Great Historical Documentaries

We live in a sort of boom time for interesting documentaries, and some of the best capture the past in ways only film can do. Here are four illuminating historical documentaries:

Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks
We all have heard of Rosa Parks. In this short documentary we see how one person can change the fate of the nation. Just by refusing to give up her seat on the bus Rosa Parks helped fight the battle against segregation and make our country what it is today. 

The Fog of War
Learn about the life and times of U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara. Start at the beginning with his birth during World War I to his time working during World War II, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War. Through interviews with McNamara we hear about his outlook on modern warfare. 

Liberty! The American Revolution
It may be long but if you want to learn the ins and outs of the American Revolution this six hour PBS documentary is for you. From the very beginning to the last shot fired you can see a thorough explanation of how our nation became what we know and love. 

Once in a Lifetime
This documentary chronicles the rise and fall of the New York Cosmos, a 1970s-era club in the defunct North American Soccer League who counted Pele among their players.

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