7 Heart-Warming Facts Guaranteed to Put a Smile on Your Face

Have a rough day? Turn that frown upside-down with these seven heart-warming facts.

1. Prairie dogs greet each other with kisses.

2. To keep from drifting apart, sea otters hold hands while taking a snooze.

3. Squirrels are partly responsible for reforestation. Countless new trees are planted every year simply because squirrels forget where they planted their nuts.

4. Jim Cummings, the voice actor for Winnie the Pooh, is known to make telephone calls to hospitalized children to cheer them up in Winnie the Pooh's voice.

5. Cows have best friends. They spend the majority of their time together and become upset when separated.

6. A group of kittens is called a kindle, a group of bunnies is called a fluffle, and a group of hedgehogs is referred to as a prickle.

7. Penguins mate for life, but only after the male proposes to his mate with a pebble.

65 Amazing Facts That Will Blow Your Mind [Mental Floss]
30 Of The Happiest Facts Ever [Bored Panda]
15 Facts That Will Instantly Make You Happier [Savvysugar]
64 Mind-Blowing Facts That Will Make You Feel Incredibly Happy [Buzzfeed]

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