Pho is a daily staple of Vietnamese cuisine – eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner, this soup of beef broth redolent with star anise, cinnamon, and caramelized onions and served with noodles, fresh vegetables, and meats is a culinary delight. Pho Binh’s original location, Pho Binh Trailer, is an unpretentious, gritty little spot to try pho in a wide range of varieties, with meats that range from familiar to Western diners to downright odd. If you are an adventurous sort, you’ll find brand new textures and flavors to try in every bowl. Pho Binh also has several other locations that offer equally delicious food in a more polished atmosphere, but Pho Binh Trailer is a place you have to experience at least once.
Pho Binh Trailer
10930 Beamer Road
Houston, TX 77089
(281) 484-3963
Pho Binh Bellaire
10827 Bellaire Road
Houston, TX 77072
(281) 568-7333
Pho Binh By Night
12148 Bellaire Boulevard
Houston, TX 77072
(832) 351-2464
Pho Binh Westheimer
5901 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77057
(713) 781-8881