Tips For Moving-In Together

If you and your significant other are planning on moving in together, it can be a big step. If you're used to living on your own, or if you've never lived with someone, it can be a big change. But, if you keep these suggestions in mind, you're transition into creating a unified home will be a much smoother one!

Plan Chores
Not many people love housework, but it's important to keep up with routine chores and home maintenance. Prior to moving in together, a couple should talk a little bit about how they're going to divide basic household chores, and even consider whether they might have different expectations for tidiness.

Decorate Together
If you've lived in your own places before, you've each probably acquired lots of stuff to decorate your apartment. Moving in together means negotiating how to decorate a shared space, and even acquiring some new decorations together.

Discuss Money
It's not the most romantic thing to talk about, but discussing money matters upfront can establish clear expectations for things like how to split shared household bills, how you'll pay rent, and how you'll split paying for necessities like food, toothpaste, furniture, and more.

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