3 Ways To Create A Low-Stress Environment

We all want our homes to feel like sanctuaries, but how often is that mission actually achieved? Between clutter, computers, and kids, our homes can feel more like a battle ground than a safe haven. But, if you're committed to carving out a bit of peace, quiet, and tranquility in your space, read through these tips about how to create a low-stress environment.

There might be some truth to the line that the spaces we inhabit affect how we think and feel, and one strong proof might be that a cluttered space can make someone feel a big on edge. Taking time regularly to reduce clutter can make for a calmer environment.

Use Calming Colors
Tranquil hues like pastels and muted greys can help lend a sense of calm to any room. If you can't paint the walls, choose upholstery or linens to instill a bit of relaxation to the space.

Bring In Some Green
One of the best ways to create a relaxing space is to bring the outdoors indoors — with some houseplants! It's not secret that spending time outside can be restorative, and a few well-placed houseplants can bring the same feeling into your space.

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