Halloween 101: How to Carve a Pumpkin

October 22, 2015 | greystar

Carving a pumpkin might seem like child's play, but there's an art behind this favorite fall activity. To help ensure your jack-o'-lantern shines bright this Halloween, follow these simple tips.

1) Choose your pumpkin.
Larger pumpkins will be easier to work with than smaller pumpkins, and certain shapes can help complement your intended design. Opt for a gourd with a flat bottom so that your jack-'o-lantern will stand upright in its own.

2) Prep your pumpkin.
Wipe your pumpkin with a damp cloth, then place it upon a work surface of newspaper or a trash bag. Use a serrated knife to remove the top "lid" of the pumpkin. Remove the seeds and fibrous flesh of the pumpkin using a large metal spoon, scraping the walls of the pumpkin to create a uniform thickness of about one inch.

3) Draw and carve.
Now for the fun part: the carving! Trace a stencil onto your pumpkin, or draw your design free-hand, then get to carving! Remember to always cut away from yourself to avoid accidents, and leave the sawing to the grown-ups. Place a couple battery-operated tealights into your pumpkin, then stand back to admire your spooky design!

How to Carve a Pumpkin [Martha Stewart]
How to Carve a Pumpkin [Taste of Home]
How to Carve a Pumpkin [BBC]

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