How to Brew the Perfect Cup of Tea


Even if you drink tea every day, you may not be brewing it properly. Don’t sweat it, however; simply read up on these simple tips for brewing the perfect cuppa. For hot teas, such as black tea, you’ll want to first bring cold, filtered water to a boil to ensure the best possible taste. Add […]

The Best Foods to Eat When Dieting


Starting a new diet is never easy, but it can be enjoyable if you have a list of tasty foods that you can eat. Instead of eating salads for every meal, try incorporating these nutritious and low-fat foods into your daily meal plan. Almonds. Almonds make a great alternative to other, more fattening crunchy snacks. […]

How to Reduce Your Daily Caffeine Intake


You might feel like you simply can’t function without your morning coffee, but that boost of caffeine may be doing you more harm than good. Caffeine addiction causes you to rely on drinking coffee, soda, and energy drinks throughout the day, and it is also proven to contribute to stress and anxiety. If you want […]

How Much Oil Should You Consume?


Oil has a reputation for being bad for the waistline, but select oils are very beneficial when consumed in moderation. This helpful guide from the USDA provides simple, accessible descriptions of the main types of oils, then helps you to make informed decisions about which to use. Here are the highlights: What are oils? Oils […]

Are You Brushing Your Teeth Correctly? Find Out Here!


You’ve brushed your teeth for as long as you can remember, but how can you be sure that you’re doing it correctly? Check out these simple steps for proper tooth brushing to find out. Twice a day is only the beginning. Although many people are taught to brush their teeth in the morning and the […]

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