Weight Loss Tips for New Dieters

You’ve never had to watch your weight before, but it seems like all of those years of eating whatever you want are suddenly catching up with you. If you’re about to embark on your first diet, use these simple tips to stay on track and maximize results.

  1. Think about it in the long-term. Instead of thinking of your diet as something that will eventually end, consider it a lifestyle change. That way, you’ll be able to maintain your results and even indulge in the occasional treat.
  2. Aim for realistic goals. Instead of starting an extreme diet to lose a very large amount of weight each week, set realistic goals that you can safely and healthily meet. For example, aiming to lose 2 pounds per week is a healthy and attainable weight loss goal that will still yield major results.
  3. Skip the fad diets. Instead of falling for a fad diet that cuts out a major food group or involves complicated meal plans, opt for a healthy diet that includes whole foods and balanced meals.
  4. Keep it simple. Fill your diet with fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and the occasional healthy whole grains and you’ll have no problem shedding those extra pounds.

Healthy Weight Loss and Dieting Tips [HelpGuide.org]
The 25 Best Diet Tricks of All Time [Health]
Jillian Michaels: Weight-Loss Tips That Work [Health]

What to Keep in Mind When Counting Calories

You know that counting calories is essential when it comes to losing weight, but do you really understand exactly what calories are? Here are a few things that you should understand about your caloric intake.

  1. Know the definition. A calorie is a term used to describe how much energy there is in a food. Your body needs a certain amount of calories to function, but excess calories turn into fat.
  2. Know your limit. Everyone has a different daily calorie limit, and it all depends on your sex, age, height, and weight. You’ll need to visit a doctor or find a chart online to determine your personal recommended daily intake.
  3. Create a calorie log. Keep track of how many calories you consume by recording your meals in a daily diary.
  4. Evenly distribute calories. Plan ahead of time so that you can split up your calories between each meal of the day. Be careful not to consume the majority of your calories in the morning, because you won’t have many remaining to "spend" on dinner.
  5. Beware of beverages. Many people don’t realize it, but the calories in drinks can really take a toll on your daily calorie limit. Be careful to record all of the beverages that you consume in addition to your meals.

Eat the Right Amount of Calories For You [Choose My Plate]
Estimated Calorie Requirements [WebMD]
American Cancer Society Calorie Counter [American Cancer Society]

Increase Your Physical Activity with These Motivational Tips

Exercise seems like a great idea, but it can be hard to break the inertia when your couch seems so comfortable and there’s that great movie marathon on television. It can be difficult to motivate yourself to get up and go work out, but these tips from the USDA can help you to stop making excuses and finally to go for a run or visit the gym:

  • Choose activities that you can do regularly and that you enjoy. It’s easier to stick to an exercise schedule when it’s convenient.
  • Even small activities start to add up over time. Take a brisk walk every day at lunch or commit to a gentle yoga class once a week to get into a workout routine.
  • Keep your exercise shoes and clothes in your car. If you have them with you, you’ll be ready when that burst of energy strikes.
  • Join (or start!) an office softball team or lunchtime workout class. You and your co-workers can motivate each other.

For more tips on how to stay active, visit the USDA website.

Keep Up With Your Fitness Goals With These Apps

Are you training to run a marathon? Looking to keep track of your calories? Simply trying to lose a few pounds? Whatever your fitness goals, these helpful apps can help you become happier and healthier than ever before.

My Fitness Pal
If counting calories and monitoring carbs overwhelms you, this app will make your healthy diet easy and enjoyable. Simply record the food items that you eat each day and My Fitness Pal’s expansive database will calculate the calories for you, and even subtract calories from your daily total when you complete exercises like walking, biking, or taking a yoga class.

It always helps to declare your goals before starting a fitness routine, and RunKeeper is the perfect place to do so. This app allows you to keep track of goals, record workouts, and watch as the fitness activities you complete start to produce results.

My Diet Diary
For frequent snackers or those with a pesky sweet tooth, My Diet Diary will help you stay on track with your calorie limits. By tracking your meals and snacks in this handy app, you’ll be able to tell how much nutritional value each food gives you and see exactly how many calories you have remaining for the day. This app is particularly helpful for more complicated measurements like body mass index, protein, and cholesterol.

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