These Pointers Will Help You Have a Healthier Halloween

Halloween may not be the healthiest holiday, but it is possible to enjoy trick or treating without crashing on sugar or feeling nervous about passing cars. When it comes to having a healthier Halloween, it’s all about staying aware. Here are a few helpful tips that will make your celebrations a bit better for both you and your little goblins.

  1. Feed your kids a nutritious meal before trick or treating. It’s very tempting for children to taste test the candy from every house along your route, but if they’re full before setting out they may be less likely to binge on candy.
  2. Take a smaller bag. While in years past it was commonplace for kids to compete over who got the most candy while trick or treating, this seems very counterproductive to the healthy eating habits that you teach the rest of the year. Instead, give each child a modest sized bag and turn the focus to the costumed fun that you’re having rather than the mad dash for candy.
  3. Stay safe while trick or treating. Always carry a flashlight while going from door to door, and be sure to never let your little ones go alone.
  4. Indulge in moderation. Don’t feel guilty about letting your kids enjoy their Halloween candy, just be sure to limit their intake to a reasonable amount.

Healthy Halloween Habits [Kids Health]
How to Have a Heart-Healthy Halloween [American Heart Association]
Halloween Health and Safety Tips [CDC]

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