Home Beauty Treatments You Can Make Yourself

Nothing feels better than getting a facial or a fresh blowout, but unfortunately, these types of beauty treatments can be pretty pricey. Luckily, you can mimic their results in your own home at Avana Six Pines, often by using common items that you already have. Here are a few rejuvenating beauty treatments that you can make yourself.

  1. Create a nourishing hair mask that restores each strand by combining common foods from the refrigerator. Simply mix together one egg yolk, one tablespoon of mayonnaise, 1/4 of an avocado, and two tablespoons of olive oil, and then let the mask sit on your hair for one hour before rinsing.
  2. Give yourself an at-home sugar scrub that sloughs off dead skin and leaves your body feeling smooth and rejuvenated. Combine equal parts coconut oil and brown sugar with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, then rub it all over the next time you’re in the shower.
  3. Do a DIY facial using a mashed banana mixed with two tablespoons of heavy cream, one tablespoon of honey, one tablespoon of flour, and one tablespoon of water. Let the mask sit on your face for 10 minutes before rinsing. The banana reduces redness and adds smoothness, while the heavy cream is very soothing and leaves a soft, supple feeling behind.

10 All-Natural Beauty Fixes [Woman’s Day]
Crazy Beauty Tricks That Really Work [Whole Living]
Our Favorite All-Natural Home Beauty Treatments [Fitness Magazine]
10 DIY Beauty Treatments [Seventeen]

Burn Fat and Torch Calories by Walking. Here’s How!

While you might think that you have to run for miles to lose weight, studies show that spending an hour walking briskly around your neighborhood is just as effective at burning calories and helping you lose weight. If you want to begin a daily walking habit, here’s how to get started.

  • Think shorter, more intense bursts. Instead of slowly walking for an hour or two each day, concentrate on shorter bursts of higher-intensity walking. Many experts suggest briskly walking for 30 minutes a day, three days a week to get started.
  • Don’t forget to warm up. Even though walking isn’t as hard on your muscles and joints as running, you’ll still need to warm up to prevent cramping and stress on the heart. Shoot for a five-minute stroll before every walk.
  • Activate your muscles. Instead of just walking like you would in your daily life, turn your walk into a real workout by activating your abdominal muscles, squeezing your glutes, and even pumping your arms back and forth.
  • Ramp up the incline. If you really want to target your legs and glutes, walk on a route that has a lot of hills or rough terrain. You can even take a hike for a more scenic workout.

Walking to Lose Weight [All You]
How to Walk Off 10 Pounds [Health]
Top 10 health benefits of walking every day [Tesco Living]

Afraid of Heights? These Tips Can Help You Overcome Your Fear!

Avoiding roller coasters or mountain peaks may not seem very difficult, but when your fear of heights starts to affect areas in your everyday life, it can become a hindrance. Here are some simple ways to eliminate your fear of heights—or at least learn to manage it.

  1. Think logically. Your fear of heights is likely so engrained in your mind that you don’t even consider it anymore. In order to overcome this fear, you need to think logically about it. Tell yourself how unlikely it is that a skyscraper or a longstanding bridge would ever collapse. If it helps, research statistics about the likelihood of the events that you fear actually happening. Once you realize how slim the chances are, you’ll start to take the edge off of your phobia.
  2. Relax. It’s easy to work yourself up before encountering heights, and that’s when you usually lose your nerve. By relaxing your mind, taking a few deep breaths, and willing yourself not to get upset, you can start to feel more rational about heights.
  3. Face your fear. The only real way to overcome a fear of heights is to face it. Don’t immediately run to the top of the nearest skyscraper, however; start gradually, like at a small bridge in your neighborhood. By slowly encountering heights you’ll become more used to them, and over time you won’t feel the need to panic.

How to Overcome Your Worst Fears [Lifehacker]
How to Overcome a Fear of Heights [wikiHow]
Overcoming Fear [Essential Life Skills]

Are You Making These 3 Face Washing Mistakes?

Lather. Rinse. Dry. It seems so simple, right? But did you know there's actually a wrong and right way to wash your face? The key to getting the most from your skincare routine is to adopt a regimen that's custom tailored to your personal skin type and issues. You can start by avoiding these common face washing mistakes:

1) Washing with dirty hands.
Your hands contain dirt, dead skin cells, germs, and oil that can end up on your face if you don't wash them first. Avoid transferring any gross stuff to your face by first giving your hands a good lathering.

2) Ignoring your skin type.
Your skin type should dictate how you care for your face. There's no "one size fits all" solution to skincare, so don't use products that aren't working for you. For example, if you have sensitive skin, steer clear of perfumed cleansers or lotions. If you're prone to acne, listen to your skin and ditch any products that cause breakouts. Have oily skin? You might need to wash more frequently. Trust your instincts.

3) Washing with water that's too hot.
Because hot water can sap skin of moisture, only tepid water should be used to wash your face. After massaging a coin-sized amount of cleanser into your skin using gentle circular motions, rinse thoroughly with cooler water, which will help close pores. Pat your skin dry using a clean towel, and remember to always be extra gentle around the delicate eye areas.

How To Wash Your Face: 7 Ways To Keep Your Skin Healthy [Huffpost]
How to Wash Your Face Properly [Popsugar]
How to Wash Your Face [Howstuffworks]

Choose Fresh Fruits and Vegetables With a Few Simple Tips

Don’t you hate it when you buy produce at the grocery store, only to come home and realize that it’s tough and flavorless? Or when you bring home fruits and they become mushy and overripe before you can eat them? If you want to learn how to choose fruits and vegetables right at their peak of ripeness, these simple tips can help.

Check the color.
It’s important to know what color each fruit or vegetable should be before you purchase it. Most fruits should be the most vibrant shade of their expected color, such as bright red apples or sunny yellow bananas. Green vegetables should be a deep, dark green, and other vegetables, like carrots, should not have white aging signs on them.

Feel the texture.
Bruising is one of the main issues when buying fruits and vegetables, so gently hold your produce to feel if it’s bruised or soft. Citrus fruits should feel particularly heavy for their size, as that means they’re full of juice. Vegetables like cucumbers and peppers should feel firm to the touch, while lettuce or spinach should be leafy and full.

Store them properly.
Once you get your produce home, storing it properly helps to conserve its freshness. Most perishable fruits and veggies should be stored in a clean refrigerator at a temperature of 40 degrees or lower. 

Choosing Fresh Fruits and Vegetables [Family Circle]
Raw Produce [FDA]

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