Traveling on a Budget? Check Out These Kid-Friendly Attractions in Washington, D.C.!

Washington, D.C.'s Smithsonian Institution provides some of the most visited museums in the world, and they cover a wide variety of topics to suit any person's interests. Their vast collections have something for everyone, including the kids! Here are two of the best kid-friendly attractions in our nation's capital. Bonus: Both offer free admission!

Smithsonian National Zoological Park
Also known as the National Zoo, the Smithsonian National Zoological Park is home to more than 400 species of animals. They offer daily tours and interactive exhibits just about every day out of the year. Stop by the Asia Trail to see the famous giant pandas, clouded leopards, and sloth bears. Go on safari through the African Savanna exhibit to find cheetahs, Cape buffalo, black rhinos, and more. The National Zoo is dedicated to providing a fun learning experience for everyone who visits, so admission is always free!

Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
See for yourself why the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History is the most visited natural history museum in the world. The kids will never grow tired of the more than 126 million natural science specimens and cultural artifacts. Enjoy a guided tour that will take you back in time, or set your gaze upon the world famous Hope Diamond. The little ones will love to walk among mummies and grow their minds with one of the richest collections of historical artifacts in the world. The museum is open 364 days a year, and admission is free of charge.

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