You’ve Heard of Spring Cleaning, But What About Fall Cleaning? Here’s How to Prepare Your Home for Cooler Weather
It's common to clean your home top to bottom every spring, but after a long summer of travel and recreation, it may need a good fall cleaning as well. Use this checklist to clean your home in a way that helps you to prepare for the fall season.
- Wash all of the windows to remove the stuck-on summer bugs, dust and other summer debris.
- Give hardwood or tile floors a good sweeping and mopping. Even though most people sweep their floors and occasionally go over them with a handheld spray mop, this is a good time to give them a really thorough cleaning.
- Vacuum the carpets and shake out area rugs. If you have pets, sprinkle them with an odor eliminating powder before vacuuming.
- Clean inside of light fixtures. This includes lamp shades, kitchen light fixtures (which can easily be removed with a screw driver), and any outside sconces.
- Remove all of the contents from the kitchen cupboards and clean them. Do the same with the refrigerator.
- Do a run-down of all of the clothes in your drawers and closets. Place the clothes that you don't wear in a pile to donate to your local thrift store.
- Clean any patio or outdoor furniture. If you have a storage area, now is the time to pack the furniture away for the cold season.
Fall Cleaning Checklist [Real Simple]
Category: Miscellaneous Tags: Apartment Decoration, Cleaning