Lesser Known Facts About America’s First President, George Washington

Born February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia, George Washington is best known for his role as America's very first president, taking office in 1789. However, there's more to the life of this natural born leader, including a pivotal position as a general and commander-in-chief during the American Revolution. Here are three lesser-known facts about George Washington.

1) After Washington's father died in 1743, young Washington looked to his older brother, Lawrence, for guidance. Lawrence helped foster George's interest in military service and the arts.

2) Washington found great pleasure in the maintenance of his vast estate, Mount Vernon, which he inherited upon his brother's death in July 1752. Eventually comprising 8,000 acres, the estate hosted a variety of crops, orchards, and livestock. Washington's final years were spent here; he died in 1799.

3) A difference in political opinion caused a rift between Washington and his Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson advised Washington to side with France during the French Revolution, but Jefferson chose to remain neutral. The disagreement caused a breach between the two politicians that was never mended.

George Washington [Bio]
George Washington [Colonial Williamsburg]
George Washington [White House]

Fun Film History Facts

Movies have given us so much entertainment and education, but did you know the long and convoluted road they had to travel to get where they are today? Here are some interesting facts about the torrid history of motion pictures.

The earliest ancestor to what we consider modern film is the photography of Edweard Muybridge, who rigged a special array of cameras to take multiple still pictures of a galloping horse. The images were then developed and put into a rotating drum that, when spun, caused the illusion of motion.

The motion picture camera was invented in the 1880s. Early silent films shocked and amazed audiences, who had never experienced anything like it before. Producers like Georges Melies created incredible narratives with early special effects that still dazzle to this day.

A number of people experimented with adding sound to movies, but it wasn’t until the 1920s that a soundtrack was directly attached to the film itself, opening a whole new world to artists.

The introduction of digital technology in the 1990s has radically changed the way people produce and view film, with new 3D projection methods being the latest example. Who knows what the future will bring?

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