How to Keep Fruit Fresher Longer

Are you guilty of buying fresh produce only to have it spoil a few days later? You're not alone: Studies have found that Americans throw away a fourth of all the produce they buy! Here are some tips to help keep your fruits fresh as long as possible.

  • Fruits such as avocados, tomatoes, mangoes, melons, apples, and pears will ripen quicker if they’re left sitting out on your countertop.
  • Keep your other fruits away from bananas. They emit gases that will speed the ripening of any fruits that are nearby.
  • Fruits such as grapes, citrus, and berries should always be refrigerated.
  • Refrain from washing berries until you are ready to eat them. You want to store them in a dry and covered container.
  • To extend the freshness of lemons, limes, oranges, and grapefruit, store them in your crisper drawer or in a mesh bag in your refrigerator.
  • Once fruits are fully ripe, you can refrigerate them to help them last a little longer. However, for the best flavor, you want to return them to room temperature.
  • One of the worst things you could do for a fruit is to store it in an airtight bag. The lack of air flow speeds up decay.

The Kitchn's Guide to Storing Fruits and Vegetables [The Kitchn]
Keep Fruits & Vegetables Fresher Longer [American Heart Association]
Spoiled Rotten – How to Store Fruits and Vegetables [Vegetarian Times]

Uses for a French Press — Beyond Coffee!

Many people are jumping in on the French press trend because it makes barista-quality coffee quickly and easily right at home. If you own a French press, however, you might be surprised to find that you can use it for much more than just brewing your morning cup of joe. Here are a few unique uses for your French press.

  • Making tea. This one may be fairly obvious, but many people don’t realize that they can also use a French press for tea. Simply fill the bottom with tea bags or loose leaf tea, then brew as usual.
  • Frothing milk. If you consider frothed milk a luxury of the coffee shop, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that you can froth your own milk by simply adding it to the French press and pumping it up and down a few times.
  • As a strainer. Use your French press to strain just about anything, even pesky quinoa that usually slips through the cracks. Just add things like spinach, fresh fruit, or even shrimp and dispense the water. Just make sure to thoroughly clean the press afterward!
  • Infusing oils. Mix herbs and spices with olive oil and heat the mixture in a saucepan over medium heat. Allow the mixture to cool, then transfer it to the French press and strain out the herbs.

5 More Uses For Your French Press! [The Kitchn]
14 {Other} Ways to Use a French Coffee Press [Preparedness Mama]
Use Your French Press to Make Whipped Cream [LifeHacker]

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