Facial Care 101: How to Wash Your Face

You've done it countless times, but did you know there's actually a right and wrong way to wash your face? In fact, there's much more to it than just wash, rinse, dry, repeat. See if you're doing the job correctly by reading these four steps toward a perfectly cleansed face.

1) Wash your hands.
Whatever germs, dirt, and oil is on your hands will be transferred to your face, so be sure to lather up first.

2) Use tepid water.
Water that's too hot will drain your skin of natural protective oils, so turn down the temperature.

3) Wash gently.
Using a nickel-sized amount of cleanser, massage your skin with your fingertips for 30 seconds to a minute. Use circular motions, and be extra gentle around the delicate eye area. Don't neglect your hairline and neck. Rinse with a few splashes of cooler water to close the pores.

4) Pat dry.
Use a clean towel to gently pat your face dry. Apply moisturizer while you skin is still slightly damp; this will help seal in moisture.

How to Wash Your Face [Howstuffworks]
How to Wash Your Face Properly [Popsugar]

Oil Pulling 101: What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling

Have you heard of oil pulling? This new holistic health craze, which is actually an ancient Ayurvedic detoxification remedy, is said to boost overall health simply by swishing oil around the mouth once daily. The oil emulsifies with saliva in the mouth, becoming a cleansing agent that removes harmful bacteria, toxins, and plaque from the teeth and gums. The practice is also said to ease sinus congestion. But does oil pulling actually work? That's for you to decide—after checking in with your doctor or dentist first, of course.

If you'd like to give oil pulling a test spin, here's a handy guide to get you started.

1. Choose your oil.
The oils recommended for oil pulling are coconut, sesame, olive, and sunflower. You'll only need one tablespoon per pulling. If you choose coconut oil, let it liquefy before beginning your session.

2. Swish—and then swish some more.
Swish the oil around your mouth, just as you would with mouthwash. "Pull" the oil through your teeth. Your goal is to swish the oil until it becomes viscous and white. It usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to achieve this consistency, although beginner pullers can work their way up to that time.

3. Spit and rinse.
Once you've reached your allotted time, spit the oil into a trash can—not the toilet or sink, as the oil can clog pipes. (Don't swallow the oil!) Rinse your mouth with warm water, then brush your teeth. How often you practice oil pulling is up to you, although optimal benefits are said to achieved when oil pulling is performed several times per week.

Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil to Transform Your Dental Health [Authority Nutrition]
Oil Pulling: The Habit That Can Transform Your Health [Food Matters]
Oil Pulling for Oral Health [Wellness Mama]
What is Oil Pulling? [Coconut Oil Pulling]

Try Your Hand at the Bridge and Torch Problem

There are a large number of “river crossing puzzles” in the world of logic puzzles, in which people must cross a river with a variety of constraints. One of the most popular of these puzzles is the Bridge and Torch Problem, which tests your logic skills and your rational thinking. Though it may seem like a simple enough question, the answer to this tricky word problem eludes many of the people who try to solve it. 

In the Bridge and Torch Problem, four people approach a riverbank at night. The narrow bridge nearby can only hold two people at a time. They only have one torch, but it has to be used when crossing the bridge. It takes Person A one minute to cross, Person B two minutes to cross, Person C five minutes, and Person D eight minutes. Two people crossing the bridge together must move at the slower person’s pace.

Can all of the people cross the bridge in 15 minutes or less? Once you reach an answer, check it here

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