Five Ways to Use Vinegar around the House

Vinegar's always a useful thing to have around the house. Plain white vinegar has many uses and it's very inexpensive — especially when bought in bulk! Here are five unexpected uses!

  • Unclog your drains. A combination of vinegar and baking soda produces a foaming fizz you might remember from science project volcanos. This simply chemical reaction's also great for unclogging drains and removing odorous bacteria.
  • Remove mold and mildew. White vinegar is one of the best things to use to remove mildew stains from your bathroom. Dilute vinegar with water for lighter stains; use undiluted vinegar for heavier mildew.
  • Shine silver. A bath of vinegar and baking soda can help clean tarnished or dingy silver. Rest items in the bath for two or three house. Rinse with cold water, dry with a soft cloth, and enjoy the shine!
  • Freshen closests. Mixing vinegar, ammonia, and baking soda produces a powerful cleanser that can vaporize pesky odors rapidly. Remove your clothes, wash the surfaces with the vinegar solution, and let the closet air out for 24 hours.
  • Remove stains from carpets. Vinegar can also remove stains from rugs and carpets. Mix it with salt and rub gently on light stains; mix with cornstach for heavily ground-in dirt.

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