Greet the Day With These 3 Morning Stretches

For many of us, the day's frenzy begins as soon as that alarm clock sounds. Instead of jumping out of bed, take a few minutes to complete these stretches. Both invigorating and relaxing at once, they'll help awaken your muscles and get your blood moving, so you'll be better prepared to face the day. Bonus: You can do these without even getting out of bed!

Upward Stretch
Lace your fingers together and lift your arms over your head, reaching as high as you can, toward the ceiling. Feel the stretch all within your torso. Hold the position for 10 seconds.

Barnes TMJ Release
Open your mouth as wide as you can, and place gentle pressure on both cheeks with your hands. You should feel your face's skin and muscles stretch as you allow gravity to gently pull your hands toward the floor. This stretch is especially beneficial to those who grind their teeth while asleep. 

Cat-Cow Pose
Borrow this yoga pose to help open your spine: Look up toward the ceiling while on all fours. As you inhale, drop your back toward the floor. Then exhale, look toward your belly button, and curve your back toward the ceiling. Repeat for one or two minutes.

5 Good Morning Stretches [Fitsugar]
15 Stretches to Start Your Day Off Right [iVillage]
Yoga Basics: A Great Way to Start Your Day [Everday Health]

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