Learn Something New With These Helpful Websites

Most of us spend at least a few hours a day checking Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and other websites that are known to be "time wasters." Why not balance those social media updates with websites that actually put your time to good use and help you learn something? Here are five of our favorites:

Do you see DIY projects on sites like Pinterest and wonder how you can make them yourself? Stop pinning those projects and start making them using the helpful instructions on instructables.com.

Colleges all around the country are offering free courses on topics from playing guitar and nutrition to physics. Each class is taught over a couple of weeks via videos and webcasts, and courses involve different amounts of work. Sign up for as many as you want and start learning.

TED Talks
TED is not actually a person named Ted. The acronym stands for technology, entertainment, and design. Watch these thought-provoking videos on all types of topics, like the digital age, violence, and marketing.

Find your next favorite book on Goodreads. Keep a running list of all the books you've read, and the website will recommend books you may like based on past selections. You can also connect with friends to see what they're reading.

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