How to Better Organize Your Under-Sink Storage

Whether it’s in the kitchen or the bathroom, the under-sink area is like a no-man’s land of cleaning supplies, sponges, beauty products and, for many people, even a garbage can. Just because these spaces are hidden doesn’t mean that they should be disorganized, however. The under-sink area is an untapped resource for storage space, and these helpful tips will show you how to get everything in order.

  1. Empty it out. Before you attempt to organize the contents of underneath your sink, you should pull everything out and give the cabinet a good scrubbing. Then, toss out any old cleaning products or unused supplies to make room for the things that you use every day.
  2. Add some shelves. If you have enough height underneath your sink to do so, add a shelf to maximize that space. These are available specifically for the under-sink area at most home goods stores. Choose one that best fits under your sink, making sure to account for any low-hanging pipes.
  3. Group things together. Now that you’re ready to put things back, group your cleaning products and other supplies in groups that make sense. This will be different for different people, but an example would be to group all dishwashing supplies in one area, toss them in a small plastic bin, and slide it onto one of the shelves. If you’re tackling a bathroom under-sink area, group beauty products in one bin, cleaning supplies in another, and maybe place some replacement soaps and shampoos in a third.

Clutter Make-Over of the Month: Under-Kitchen Sink [Youcopia]
Curing clutter problems in under-sink cabinets [unclutterer]
How to Organize Under Your Bathroom Sink [VideoJug]

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