Dog House Drive In: When Nothing Will Do But A Hot Dog

This Albuquerque landmark is easy to spot with its neon ‘wiener dog’ sign that signals a classic greasy spoon drive-in from days of yore. Locals flock to the Dog House Drive In mostly for their foot-long chile cheese dog, a guilty pleasure that satisfies like no other. Out-of-towners be aware that the chili bears no resemblance to the brownish, watery glop that passes for a dog topping in parts other than New Mexico. This is the real deal, deep red and smoky, with a fiery bite that makes your ears buzz and your forehead perspire. If you can’t handle the heat, pair it with a frosty cherry shake to cool things down, or try a regular dog with ketchup, relish and mustard, or a classic cheeseburger and fries.

Dog House Drive In
1216 Central Avenue SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 243-1019

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