Stay Young with Yoga

Yoga has become an increasingly popular practice over the past few years. With its claims of increasing strength and flexibility while calming the mind, yoga has gained a loyal following of all ages. But, did you know that yoga can actually help you reduce or even reverse the effects of aging? If you haven’t tried yoga before, you may want to start after reading about its profound benefits. (Be sure to check with your doctor before beginning any new exercise regimen!)

  • Yoga can counter the effects of aging by moving joints through their full range of motion, which stretches, strengthens, and balances each part. This is important because muscles shorten and joints tighten with age, and yoga stretches the body to relieve stiff joints and lengthen muscles.
  • Yoga can help ease the pain associated with osteoarthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Recent studies indicate that yoga may be as effective as drug therapy in controlling hypertension.
  • Even after just a few months of a consistent yoga practice, you’ll begin to experience increased feelings of good health and well-being.
  • Yoga has been proven to be an effective complementary treatment for musculoskeletal disease and related disorders.
  • Calming yoga stretches reduce physical stress and tension while increasing overall relaxation.

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