New Saplings


Please take a moment to look around at our new saplings that have been chosen with care. This week we are focusing on the beautiful red maple trees. Keep an eye out for their eye popping colors as we enter the winter season. A characteristic of the red maple is that the leaves are generally […]

Update Your Emails With the Office


With the holidays approaching many people are looking at online shopping to alleviate their busy schedules. Update your emails with the office to receive a courtesy reminder when your packages have been delivered to the office. Follow the link to do this from the comfort of your home

Baby Trees


Did you know we have almost 200 trees on the community? As you have probably noticed Valley Crest has removed many trees in the last few months and our replacements went in last week. Make sure to be gentle with our new baby trees.

Community Letter


Fall is here and we want to thank every one of you for making Crossbrook your home. The Crossbrook office and maintenance staff are committed to keeping Crossbrook a clean and comfortable community for all of our residents. With that in mind, here are some updates and reminders that have been brought to our attention […]



Are you doing your part? Crossbrook is making an effort to lower everyone’s garbage bill as well as be more environmentally friendly. A good first step is to have a recycle bin next to your garbage bins at home to help separate recyclables from trash. Follow the link or stop by the office for a […]

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