Sesa Pure: Loose-Leaf Teas Directly from India

Mango black tea. Jasmine green tea. Moroccan mint. These are just a few of the loose-leaf teas you'll see on the shelves at Sesa Pure, a self-described "craft infusion lab" and "garden direct" tea house. Sesa Pure sources its teas and coffees directly from the gardens of India, so it lives up to its name.

Come to the cafe and grab a drink if you just want to sample a sip. You can savor a cup of coffee in the calm, quiet atmosphere or try one of the many teas. If you taste something you like, take it home with you. Sesa sells loose-leaf teas and coffee so that its customers never have to go without their morning beverage. It also offers a few non-tea specialty items, such as bottled agave. Both traditional and flavored agaves are available, including an almond-flavored agave, so pick up a bottle if you want to sweeten your tea at home.

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