
Innovative Kitchen Storage

When it comes to keeping kitchens tidy, there’s an entire industry full of tips, tricks, and ideas to help. There are TV shows dedicated to kitchen design. There are stores that focus solely on organization. And there are countless products created to help you reduce clutter.

So how do you sort through your options? No worries! We’ve taken some of the most apartment-friendly and easy-to-implement kitchen storage ideas so you can get the most out of your kitchen.

Make your shelves work double duty.
Even the best cabinets cannot possibly use every inch inside effectively without a little help. Get move storage for your bowls, plates, pots, and pans by adding additional stacking bins and baskets inside of your cabinets. That way, you can take advantage of all of the vertical space, doubling your cabinets’ capacity.

Get more from your doors.
A pantry or cabinet door can offer a surprise amount of storage space with a simple addition—a hanging rack! Stores like IKEA and The Container Store offer over-the-door hanging racks with adjustable shelves that you can pack with canned goods, snacks, cleaning supplies, kitchen utensils, and anything else you want out of sight.

Declutter countertops.
Sometimes, it’s unavoidable to keep things on the counter (and some people simply prefer to have commonly used items within arm’s reach). In that case, baskets, decorative jars, and racks can provide neat and tidy ways to keep clutter at bay. Check out stores like Home Goods, Target, or even local garage sales for trendy items fit for storing spatulas, knives, and flour.

Take lesser used items out of the kitchen.
If you have trays, linens, and plate sets that only get used once or twice a year, you may want to consider storing them in another room. (After all, that valuable kitchen space could be used for food!) Try storing these items in a bin that slips under your bed, can be stashed away in a closet, or tucked in the corner of the laundry room. Label the bin so you know exactly what’s inside.

Organizing your kitchen may take a bit of work, but it doesn’t have to be difficult. These simple ideas are a great start to getting the most out of your space.

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Ends 12/31/16.

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