Start Your Day with Something Sweet from River City Donut 2

If you've been to River City Donut 2, then you know how great it can be to start your day with a delicious sweet treat or two. When it comes to doughnuts, this shop offers a large variety to choose from, including classics like apple fritters but also more inventive flavors that you'll have to try yourself.

In addition to the sugary delights, River City also offers several different breakfast taco varieties for those looking for a savory way to start their day instead of a sweet one. If you're in a rush, River City Donut 2 conveniently has a drive-thru. If you do decide to indulge, be sure to get here early, not only for the best selection but also because this restaurant is only open from 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily.

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