The Austin Celtic Festival Brings Authentic Music, Dance, and Games to Your Backyard

A battle between ax-wielding Vikings; chainmail-clad archers willing to teach you their craft; ancient Celts making camp with modest tents. These are just a few of the things you'll find at the Celtic Village at the Austin Celtic Festival (ACF). It's an all-encompassing foray into Celtic history complete with historically accurate acting and period props, sets, and costumes.

With its hands-on activities and non-stop action, the Celtic Village should probably be your first stop when you come to the ACF on November 4th or 5th. The Austin Celtic Festival also rounds up Irish and Scottish musicians from around Texas and around the globe, in addition to Irish step dancers and Scottish country dancers. You can also participate in (or simply observe) traditional Highland Games, watch Celtic dogs and mini horses trot along in a special parade, or check out educational seminars and workshops regarding Celtic culture.

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