Free Ways To Create A More Organized Work Space

If your desk is a source of stress, it's time for a change. Your work space should help your job, not hinder it! Below are some free ways to create a more organized desk and workspace: 

  1. Cut back on your supplies: Over time, it's easy to accumulate way too many pens, pencils, highlighters, paper clips, and rubber bands. So, edit it down — keep the few things that you like and use, and give the rest away!
  2. Make a digital file cabinet: If your file drawer is overflowing, consider moving some of those items into a "digital file". Shred the items that you honestly don't need, and scan and save on your computer any paperwork that you need, but don't need a hard copy of. Also, be sure to back up this file to an external hard drive or to a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox.
  3. Stop all unsolicited mail: Junk mail can be a huge problem, and take up lots of space. If this is something that you're dealing with, the Federal Trade Commission has put together a list of ways you can stop most unsolicited mail that comes your way. Also, you can call 1-888-5-OPT-OUT (1-888-567-8688) or visit, to stop all credit card and insurance offers for five years.

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