Are You a Saver or a Spender? Find Out With These Fun Quizzes!

If you’re having a hard time getting a handle on your finances, you might like to get a bit more insight into exactly what type of person you are when it comes to your money. Do you prefer saving your money for a rainy day, or are you the type of person to splurge on an investment item? These fun online quizzes will help you find out!

Spender or Saver?
This straightforward quiz from 7th Mind asks questions about your payday behavior, your credit cards, and your debt in order to determine your spending (and saving) habits. It’s a psychology-based quiz, so expect to gain some insight into how your habits reflect on your personality.

What Kind of Spender Are You?
The Mint’s spending and saving quiz is a bit more in-depth, asking more specific questions and offering a wider variety of answers to really gauge your spending behavior. Because this site is all about financial planning, it also offers some resources that you might find useful once you get your results.

Are You a Spender or a Saver?
Get your finances under control with a bit of help from Money Matters to Me’s spending and saving quiz. If you’re interested in how your own spending habits affect your household and how you might be able to save a bit more here and there, this is the quiz for you!

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