Laundry and Clothing Care Basics Everyone Should Know

Doing the laundry is a necessary annoyance, but modern amenities have done a lot to make this weekly chore a less daunting. Here are the basic rules for properly washing and caring for your most essential articles of clothing.

  1. Sort by color. You’ve likely heard that you need to separate your lights from your darks, but this step is especially important when washing denim or new clothes that have yet to be washed.
  2. Use the right water temperature. As a general rule, wash delicate clothing that could shrink or bleed in cold water. For heavily soiled items, whites, and towels, use hot water instead.
  3. Use the proper detergent. Not all detergents are created equal, so choose a type specially formulated for cold water, hot water, or even a brand made with color-safe bleach to remove stains from colored clothing. As a bonus, using the right type of detergent can even extend the lifespan of your clothes.
  4. Secure buttons. Dab a bit of clear nail polish in the center of shirt buttons to help prevent them from loosening. Even better, learn how to replace one yourself if you frequently wear button-down shirts.
  5. Keep zippers smooth. Rub zippers with wax every few weeks to keep them from catching or sticking.

Laundry Basics – Sorting it Out [For Better Living]
How to Care for Your Clothes [How Stuff Works]
Keep Your Clothes Clean and Bright [She Knows]
4 Clothing Care Skills Millennials Probably Don’t Know (But Need to Learn) [Real Simple]

Delve Deep Into Your Mind With These Fun Personality Tests

Have you ever wanted to find out more about your own personality? Everyone’s mind is unique in its own way, but by learning about your personality traits you can find friends who share the same traits and even zero in on a job that is perfect for you. Use these fun online quizzes to find out more about your personality type:

The VisualDNA Personality Quiz
With thought-provoking questions and colorful, high quality images to go along with them, this quiz is just as beautiful to look at as it is to take. Answer questions about your childhood, your relationships, and your preferences in order to pinpoint both areas of your personality that are strong and areas that need improving.

This science-based personality quiz uses equally interesting questions to create a pie chart of your most prominent personality traits. The quiz then picks out your “core color,” or your primary personality type that is more dominant than the others.

Jung Typology Test
This commonly used psychology test was created based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typological approach to personality. After filling out a questionnaire, you will receive a 4-letter formula that describes both your personality type and your strengths and weaknesses. This quiz is often used in career counseling and other job-based research.

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