Watching Your Waistline? Check Out These Weight Loss Tips for Women

Just about every website and magazine today claims to offer miracle diet tips, but the only real way to lose weight is by exercising regularly and watching what you eat. These smart (and realistic!) tips can help keep women on track to shedding those extra pounds.

  1. Determine your individual calorie intake. Sure, counting calories is important for everyone, but not every woman’s body requires the same amount of calories each day. Work with a doctor to determine your recommended daily amount based on your weight loss goals.
  2. Practice portion control. Even if your diet already consists of mainly lean meats, fruits, and veggies, many people go overboard when it comes to portion control. Measure out your portions beforehand to stay on track.
  3. Forgo diet treats. Every American supermarket is filled with “diet” versions of unhealthy treats, but in most cases, you’re better off opting for a smaller serving size of the real deal. That way, you won’t be tempted to overindulge.
  4. Balance cardio and strength workouts. Most people prefer one or the other when it comes to their gym habits, but it’s important to balance both types of exercise if you really want to lose weight.
  5. Amp up your workouts. Practice short bursts of intense activity, which burn far more calories and help you to lose weight faster.

Our 75 Best Tips for Losing Weight [Women’s Day]
7 Weight Loss Mistakes Even Healthy Women Make [Prevention]
7 Weight Loss Challenges and Tips for Women [ShareCare]

How to Start Jogging — Safely!

You might not think of yourself as much of a runner, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t start. Jogging is a great way to get outside, build your endurance, and maybe even drop a few pounds, and these expert tips will show you how to start doing it in a safe and enjoyable way.

  1. Check with your doctor. If you’re unsure about your health, it’s always smart to check with a doctor before beginning any new exercise plan. Tell your doctor about your plans for jogging and work together to create a safe, accessible workout routine.
  2. Wear the right clothes. Be sure to wear sturdy, well-fitting running shoes so that you don’t injure yourself while jogging. Stay cool and comfortable with loose shorts or pants, and stay warm in layers if the weather is chilly.
  3. Warm up. Warming up helps you to gradually increase your heart rate, so be sure to walk or slowly jog for at least 20 minutes before jogging.
  4. Stretch. Avoid cramping muscles and prevent injury by stretching your limbs before you set out, but after warming up. At this point, your muscles will be warmed up and stretch more easily.
  5. Cool down. Walk to cool down your muscles for at least five minutes after jogging to prevent lactic acid build-up in the legs.

How to Start Jogging If You Have Never Done It Before [Healthy Living]
Jogging for Beginners [FitDay]

Refuel and Replenish by Eating These Foods After a Workout

The foods that you eat before your workout help to increase your energy level, but it’s the food that you eat afterward that’s really important. What you eat after exercising helps to repair muscle tissue and to replenish glycogen, which is an important aspect of building the lean, toned body that you strive for. Here are some of the best foods to refuel with after a workout.

  1. Bananas. Bananas are high-glycemic carbohydrates, which provide you with an instant boost to replenish your energy quickly. Try slicing one up and eating it with peanut butter on top of a rice cake.
  2. Greek yogurt with berries. Greek yogurt is packed with protein, which is very important in building muscle. Your muscles are depleted of their usual amino acids after lifting weights or performing an intense cardio workout, and this healthy snack helps to build them back up.
  3. Tuna sandwich. The combination of healthy carbs and proteins is one of the very best things to eat after working out. Spread some tuna on whole wheat bread to refuel after that gym class.
  4. Water. Replenishing your body’s fluids is just as important as replenishing its food supply. Be sure to drink plenty of water after working out to avoid becoming dehydrated.

6 Smart Snacks to Eat After Your Workout [Fitness Magazine]
What to Eat After You Work Out [Spark People]
Food as Fuel – Before, During and After Workouts [American Heart Association]

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