Reap the Restorative Benefits of Yoga at Earth and Sea Yoga

February 14, 2018 | sack

If you've never been to a yoga class before, the team at Earth and Sea Yoga doesn't want you to feel intimidated by the thought of coming to one of theirs. That's why they take a few steps to ensure that everyone who walks through their doors is comfortable. They keep class sizes small, which allows instructors to give individualized attention. They also offer classes for all levels, even novices. And they only enlist certified and qualified yoga instructors, who are better able to lead a class.

Come to Earth and Sea Yoga to experience its zen for yourself. Sign up for a Hatha Yoga for Beginners session if you want to learn the basics of meditative yoga. Try the All Levels Flow if you want to challenge your body with a more vigorous Vinyasa workout. If you want to treat your body to some peace and quiet, come to Restoratives with Essential oils, a session that's all about easing stress with slow movements and calming natural oils.

Public Domain/Pixabay/StockSnap

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