360 Gourmet Burritos Offers Unique Burritos for Low Prices

March 21, 2017 | sack

360 Gourmet Burritos is located in a small storefront on Mount Diablo Boulevard, near the busy intersection with Mountain View and Dolores Drives, and so it can be easy to miss. Once people find out about 360 Gourmet, however, they tend to come back over and over again.

One reason why people love this eatery is because the burritos on offer are both satisfying and affordable, and they also represent a broader range of flavors than most burrito places. You’ll find traditional Mexican-style burritos, of course, but the kitchen also serves up burritos infused with Cajun, Thai, and Teriyaki flavors. If burritos just aren’t your thing, don’t worry; the menu here also offers plenty of options for salads, quesadillas, and burrito bowls, so you can get something to suit your taste no matter what.

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