Looking for a way to save a bit of cash while also removing chemicals from your home? Make your own cleaning products! It’s easy to duplicate of the most common household cleaners using all-natural ingredients, and they’ll even help to turn your home at Lincoln Green into a green household.
- Glass Cleaner: Combine 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice to create a DIY window and glass cleaner. You can even add in your favorite essential oil for a fresh scent.
- Laundry Detergent: While many store-bought laundry detergents are filled with chemicals, this homemade version is made using only natural ingredients. Combine a box of Borax with a box of baking soda and 1 bar of organic bar soap (such as Dr. Bronner’s). Then, blend it all together in a food processor until it reaches a powder form.
- Bathroom Tile Cleaner: Remove grime from tubs and sinks using this all-natural bathroom cleaner. Simply mix baking soda with liquid castile soap and use it as a scrub.
- All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Borax, 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide, and 2 cups of hot water to create an all-purpose cleaner that you can use anywhere in the home.
Make These 69 DIY Cleaning Products For Pennies [Popsugar]
The Original Homemade Laundry Detergent DIY Natural]
27 Chemical-Free Recipes for DIY Spring Cleaning [Greatist]