Clean Up Your Home at Lincoln Green Naturally With These DIY Household Cleaners

Looking for a way to save a bit of cash while also removing chemicals from your home? Make your own cleaning products! It’s easy to duplicate of the most common household cleaners using all-natural ingredients, and they’ll even help to turn your home at Lincoln Green into a green household.

  • Glass Cleaner: Combine 1 cup of white vinegar with 1 cup of water and 1/4 cup of fresh-squeezed lemon juice to create a DIY window and glass cleaner. You can even add in your favorite essential oil for a fresh scent.
  • Laundry Detergent: While many store-bought laundry detergents are filled with chemicals, this homemade version is made using only natural ingredients. Combine a box of Borax with a box of baking soda and 1 bar of organic bar soap (such as Dr. Bronner’s). Then, blend it all together in a food processor until it reaches a powder form.
  • Bathroom Tile Cleaner: Remove grime from tubs and sinks using this all-natural bathroom cleaner. Simply mix baking soda with liquid castile soap and use it as a scrub.
  • All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix 1/2 cup vinegar, 1 tablespoon of Borax, 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide, and 2 cups of hot water to create an all-purpose cleaner that you can use anywhere in the home.

Make These 69 DIY Cleaning Products For Pennies [Popsugar]
The Original Homemade Laundry Detergent DIY Natural]
27 Chemical-Free Recipes for DIY Spring Cleaning [Greatist]

How to Keep Your Fridge Squeaky Clean

From dripping leftovers to forgotten lettuce from months back, there are likely a few things in your refrigerator that could use your attention. Here are a few simple ways to keep your fridge clean once and for all.

  1. Clear everything out. Start by going through the contents of your fridge and throwing away anything that’s past its expiration date. Leave everything on the counter until you’re done cleaning inside.
  2. Unplug. Unplug the refrigerator from the wall so that you can leave the door open while you clean without wasting energy.
  3. Clean inside drawers. Remove the drawers and rinse them out in the sink or bathtub. Use warm, soapy water to remove germs.
  4. Wipe the shelves. Using a spray bottle of multipurpose cleaner, wipe down all of the shelves and walls inside. You may even be able to slide the shelves out for easier access, depending on the model of refrigerator.
  5. Clean under jars. Before putting the food back in the refrigerator, be sure to check the bottoms for any grime or leaks. Wipe them off so that they don’t dirty your now-clean fridge.

How To Clean the Refrigerator [The Kitchn]
Refrigerator-Cleaning Tips [HGTV]
How Should I Clean My Refrigerator? [Cleanipedia]

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