How to Prolong the Lifespan of Fresh-Cut Flowers

Everyone knows that nothing gold can stay, and that's especially true when it comes to fresh-cut flowers. You may try to put them in water immediately after receiving that colorful bouquet, but it always seems like the flowers die before you even get a chance to enjoy them. What gives?

If you want to elongate the lifespan of your fresh flowers, these smart tips might help you out.

  1. Cut the stems. As soon as you get the flowers, cut approximately 3/4-inch from the stem. You'll want to cut at an angle to allow the water to flow up the stem.
  2. Fill the vase. Fill the vase with fresh, cool water and a packet of flower food, which is often included in the bouquet (for wildflowers, you can pick some up at your local nursery or garden supply store).
  3. Remove debris. If some stray leaves or pieces fall off of your flowers during cutting, make sure to remove them from the water, as this can cause bacteria to grow.
  4. Give them enough room. Placing too many flowers in one vase can prevent them from properly absorbing water, so make sure that they can sit comfortably inside the vase.
  5. Don't place in direct sunlight. Make sure to display flowers in a cool, dry place.
  6. Change the water. One of the most common reasons why flowers die so quickly is because people forget to change their water. You'll want to add fresh water and more flower food every other day or so.

How to Care for Fresh Cut Flowers [Teleflora]

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