How to Prolong the Lifespan of Fresh-Cut Flowers

Everyone knows that nothing gold can stay, and that's especially true when it comes to fresh-cut flowers. You may try to put them in water immediately after receiving that colorful bouquet, but it always seems like the flowers die before you even get a chance to enjoy them. What gives?

If you want to elongate the lifespan of your fresh flowers, these smart tips might help you out.

  1. Cut the stems. As soon as you get the flowers, cut approximately 3/4-inch from the stem. You'll want to cut at an angle to allow the water to flow up the stem.
  2. Fill the vase. Fill the vase with fresh, cool water and a packet of flower food, which is often included in the bouquet (for wildflowers, you can pick some up at your local nursery or garden supply store).
  3. Remove debris. If some stray leaves or pieces fall off of your flowers during cutting, make sure to remove them from the water, as this can cause bacteria to grow.
  4. Give them enough room. Placing too many flowers in one vase can prevent them from properly absorbing water, so make sure that they can sit comfortably inside the vase.
  5. Don't place in direct sunlight. Make sure to display flowers in a cool, dry place.
  6. Change the water. One of the most common reasons why flowers die so quickly is because people forget to change their water. You'll want to add fresh water and more flower food every other day or so.

How to Care for Fresh Cut Flowers [Teleflora]

How to Plant and Grow a Terrarium at Marquis at Barton Trails

You’ve likely seen stylish terrariums filling the pages of all of your favorite interior design catalogs, but did you know that these unique gardens are also very easy to make at home? Here are just a few simple ways to create your own terrarium and add a bit of greenery to your rental at Marquis at Barton Trails!

  1. Whether you choose a small, round terrarium that you can hang from the ceiling or a larger, tank-style option for very large creations, you’ll want to choose something in a durable class that will enable you to see the plants through the sides.
  2. Add a layer of small stones or pebbles to the bottom of the terrarium for proper water drainage. This should measure about one-inch thick.
  3. Add another one-inch layer of activated charcoal on top of that for a finer drainage system.
  4. Top it off with a 1.5-inch layer of sphagnum moss to hold the soil in place and prevent it from sliding into the pebbles.
  5. Take a soil designed especially for terrariums and pre-moisten it using a spray bottle of water. Add a thick layer of three to four inches on top of everything.
  6. Remove pot-bound roots from your plants and add them to the soil. You may need to divide the plant into sections if it’s too big to fit the scale of the terrarium.
  7. Decorate with rocks and other accessories.

Terrariums: A Guide to Plants and Care [Better Homes & Gardens]
How To Make Terrariums [About Home]
Make Your Own Terrarium [HGTV]

5 Beautiful Houseplants That Are Easy to Care For

Is your thumb a bit more black than green? Are you known for killing houseplants as quickly as you get them? Many houseplants are finicky, and just a bit too much water or sunlight can cause them to unexpectedly croak. Here’s a list of five houseplants that are resilient but still just as decorative.

  1. Geranium. The leafy geranium has a dark, rich color and uniquely shaped leaves, but it’s also one of the sturdiest houseplants. It flowers all year round with bright, colorful blooms if you place it by sunlight, and it won’t mind if you miss a watering or two.
  2. Cactus. Cacti are commonly known for their resistance to drought, surviving naturally in the desert without much water for weeks at a time. The same is true for store-bought cacti, which only need watering about once every month.
  3. Peace Lilies. If you live in a cave-like apartment or a home without much direct sunlight, the Peace Lily is the plant for you. This leafy green plant with white flowers can survive in dim lighting at temperatures below 55 degrees.
  4. Palms. Create a tropical paradise in your home by placing a few hardy palms in bare corners. These incredible plants purify the air and don’t require much from their owners in return.
  5. Aloe. This plant is often very large and attractive, and you can even use its soothing interior on burns or cuts. It prefers bright light, so place it on a windowsill and water only sparingly.

Houseplants for the Forgetful Gardener [BHG]
7 Indoor Plants that Purify the Air Around You [Inhabitat]

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