6 Easy Ways to Deal With Difficult Coworkers

When you’re around the same people for eight hours every day, sometimes personalities can clash. Getting along with difficult coworkers may seem impossible, but these reliable tips will help you work together in harmony.

1. Choose your words wisely. By removing direct pronouns like “you” from your discussions, your coworker will feel less accused or targeted. Make your directions and criticisms about the project, not the person.
2. Talk face-to-face whenever possible. It’s easy to sound brash in an email, and speaking on the phone or in person can eliminate that worry (and your coworker’s resulting anger).
3. Minimize contact. If you frequently chat with a whiny or sullen coworker simply to be polite, start keeping things short and sweet. A simple "good morning" works in place of your usual "how are you," which often leads to unwanted conversation.
4. Be tactful about complaints. If you have to bring a problem to your boss, plan what you’ll say beforehand to avoid sounding angry or accusatory.
5. Avoid gossip. Respond with uninviting phrases like "Oh really?" when you’re faced with office gossip. If you act disinterested, gossip will likely start to pass you by in the future.
6. Just breathe. Take a deep breath when you feel yourself start to get angry and you may avoid a nasty altercation.

Tips on Managing Difficult People [Harvard Business Review]
20 Ways to Deal with Difficult Coworkers [iVillage]
Ten Tips for Dealing with Difficult Coworkers [All Business]
How to Deal with Difficult Coworkers [Forbes]

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Business and Economics Lesson Plans for Teachers

Teachers often hear the question, “When am I ever going to use this?” when teaching things like fractions, chemistry or other subjects. Learning about economics and money management, however, is obviously important for the world outside school. These online guides will help educators to develop lesson plans that will keep students interested in business, taxes, and economics:

Understanding Taxes for Teachers
Teaching students about taxes may seem intimidating to anyone who isn’t an accountant, but this helpful guide from the IRS presents it in an easily intelligible form. Here you’ll find a custom resource list, lesson plans, educational standards and even downloads and PowerPoint presentations describing the basic components of filing taxes.

Federal Reserve Education
The educational division of the Federal Reserve’s website offers classroom resources for students ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade. You can browse the website by lesson plans, activities or publications, and even search by topics on everything from financial fundamentals to monetary policy.

Investor.gov’s Classroom Resources
Investor.gov states that the best time for kids to learn about money is when they’re young, and that teaching children about managing their finances can help them be wise with money in the future. This website provides key topics and suggested activities for teaching kids about credit, savings and investments to help them make smart money decisions as adults.

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