Choose Healthy Foods by Using ‘GO, SLOW and WHOA’

Navigating the supermarket can be a challenge, especially when you’re shopping for healthy foods for the whole family. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute developed the terms GO, SLOW and WHOA to categorize foods that are lower in fat and calories and more beneficial all around. Use these categories the next time you go grocery shopping to help make smarter and healthier food decisions.

GO foods are the most beneficial.
These foods are lowest in fat and calories, making them less harmful to your waistline. They contain much less sugar than other foods, and they’re full of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients your body needs. GO foods include things like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean meats.

SLOW foods should be eaten in moderation.
Though these foods aren’t necessarily unhealthy, they’re higher in fat and calories and should be eaten in smaller amounts. Many SLOW foods provide some vitamins and nutrients, but their high calorie or sugar contents will make you gain weight if eaten in excess.

WHOA foods are the most harmful.
This category includes things like cake, cookies, and other desserts. These foods are the highest in fats and added sugar, and they’re much more calorie-dense than others. Because they provide little to no nutrients, they should only be saved for special occasions.

Choosing Foods for Your Family [National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute]

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