Safety First! Essentials for Your Home First Aid Kit

Safety is a major concern in just about every household across the country, but you might not know exactly what to keep on hand to prevent against illness and injury. From minor cuts to major bumps and bruises, these first aid kit essentials will keep you (and your family) safe against all kinds of ailments.

  • Assorted bandages. Be sure to choose a box with a variety of shapes and sizes for all kinds of cuts.
  • Gauze bandages. To wrap arms and legs in case of a larger cut or burn.
  • Adhesive cloth tape. To securely fasten gauze bandages and wraps.
  • Instant cold pack. For soothing bruises and reducing swelling.
  • Aspirin. To reduce headaches and ease pain from minor injuries.
  • Oral thermometer. All households should have an adult thermometer, but families should also keep a children’s model on hand.
  • Non-latex gloves. For safely cleaning and dressing wounds.
  • Antihistamine. Brands like Benadryl help to reduce allergic reactions, such as bee stings.
  • Antibacterial creams. For disinfecting cuts, burns, and scrapes.
  • Antiseptic wipe packets. To quickly clean cuts and burns as soon as they happen.
  • Tweezers. To remove splinters and other small debris.
  • Rubbing alcohol. To sterilize your tools.
  • Sharp scissors. For cutting bandages, gauze, and other supplies.

First-Aid Kit Essentials [Parents]
First Aid Essentials [Healthy Essentials]
Anatomy of a First Aid Kit [American Red Cross]
First Aid Essentials [Real Simple]

Easy and Effective Ways to Combat Stress

Everyone gets stressed out from time to time, but if it starts to interfere with your day-to-day life, you could be dealing with something a bit more serious. The next time you start to feel those overwhelming feelings creeping on you, try these simple tips for combating stress naturally.

  • Don’t let it go too far. It’s much easier to manage stress when it first begins than when it starts to spiral out of control, so watch out for the warning signs early. If you can tell that it’s going to be a stressful week, prepare in advance so that you can manage your tasks without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Address the physical side effects. While stress itself is mental, its side effects are often physical. When you start to get jittery or your feel your heart racing, do some relaxing stretches, practice breathing exercises, or simply close your eyes and count to 10 to counteract those feelings.
  • Watch your diet. Before you start stress eating or grabbing unhealthy fast food while rushing to work, stop and plan your meals. What you eat can have a big impact on your mental state, so be sure to try to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to stay energized. Try to steer clear of caffeine!
  • Do something silly. Take a break from life (even if it’s just for five minutes) to laugh at a silly video or dance it out. Sometimes that’s all you need!

Top 10 Instant Stress Busters [Lifehacker]
7 Best Ways to Bust Stress [SheKnows]
15 Easy Ways to Bust Work Stress [Men’s Health]

3 Health Benefits of Strength Training Exercises

Even if you don’t plan on bulking up or competing in weight lifting competitions any time soon, strength training is a crucial part of any exercise regimen. Here are three great reasons to incorporate weight training into your workouts.

  1. It promotes strong bones. Weakening bones is a concern that all people have to face as they age. The stress that strength training puts on your bones increases their density and prevents osteoporosis, keeping you strong and healthy as years pass.
  2. It helps to control your weight. While you might relate weight loss with intense cardiovascular workouts, strength training is just as important if you want to lose weight. Gaining muscle increases your metabolism and causes your body to burn calories more efficiently.
  3. It gives you more energy. Like all workouts, strength training increases your stamina and helps you to stay alert and focused. After a few weeks of regular weight lifting or body weight exercises, you’ll notice that you feel more energized throughout the day. Some scientific studies even show that years of regular strength training exercises help to sharpen your focus and keep your mind attentive as you age.

Strength training: Get stronger, leaner, healthier [Mayo Clinic]
7 Reasons to Add Strength Training to Your Workout Routine [Everyday Health]
Benefits of Strength Training [Body Building]

What You Need to Know About the Couch to 5k Program

If you’ve always wanted to run a 5k but you just don’t know where to begin, you might be interested in the Couch-to-5k Program. This beginner-friendly running plan aims to take first time runners from their very first run all the way to a full 5k, and it’s customizable based on your specific time frame. Here are a few things that you should know about the program.

  • A 5k measures 3.1 miles.
  • The Couch-to-5k Program starts slowly and gradually builds up to a full 5k over the course of two months.
  • Each training session amounts to just 20 to 30 minutes three times per week.
  • The training days should be spaced out throughout the week, leaving at least one day for recovery in between.
  • With the Couch-to-5k, you don’t want to focus on how fast you’re going, but rather on building up your distance with each new session.
  • You can follow the Couch-to-5k Program either by time or by distance of each run. Experts recommend choosing whichever option seems easiest for you to keep track of.
  • It’s important to warm up and cool down before each session. With this program, a five-minute jog is a good warm-up, and it’s equally important to stretch before and after your run.

The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan | C25K Mobile App [Cool Running]
Couch to 5K: Is it Right for You? [Answers]
How to Lose Weight With Couch Potato Running [Livestrong]

Oil Pulling 101: What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling

Have you heard of oil pulling? This new holistic health trend, which is actually an ancient detoxification remedy, is said to boost overall health simply by swishing oil around the mouth once daily. The oil emulsifies with saliva in the mouth, becoming a cleansing agent that removes harmful bacteria, toxins, and plaque from the teeth and gums. The practice is also said to ease sinus congestion. But does oil pulling actually work? That's for you to decide—after checking in with your doctor or dentist first, of course.

If you'd like to give oil pulling a test spin, here's a handy guide to get you started.

1. Choose your oil.
The oils recommended for oil pulling are coconut, sesame, olive, and sunflower. You'll only need one tablespoon per pulling. If you choose coconut oil, let it liquefy before beginning your session.

2. Swish—and then swish some more.
Swish the oil around your mouth, just as you would with mouthwash. "Pull" the oil through your teeth. Your goal is to swish the oil until it becomes viscous and white. It usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to achieve this consistency, although beginner pullers can work their way up to that time.

3. Spit and rinse.
Once you've reached your allotted time, spit the oil into a trash can—not the toilet or sink, as the oil can clog pipes. (Don't swallow the oil!) Rinse your mouth with warm water, then brush your teeth. How often you practice oil pulling is up to you, although optimal benefits are said to achieved when oil pulling is performed several times per week.

Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil to Transform Your Dental Health [Authority Nutrition]
Oil Pulling: The Habit That Can Transform Your Health [Food Matters]
Oil Pulling for Oral Health [Wellness Mama]
What is Oil Pulling? [Coconut Oil Pulling]

How to Break Free From a Fitness Plateau

Even if you’re dedicated to your workout routine and have seen major strides, you can hit a point where your old exercises just don’t seem to work anymore. If this sounds familiar, you may have hit what's called a “fitness plateau.” Get out of the rut and back on track by mixing up your routine with these simple steps.

  1. Stay well-rounded. A good workout program incorporates both cardiovascular activities and strength training. If you’ve shed pounds by running every day, you’ll need to start lifting weights, doing yoga, or trying some other type of strength exercise in order to get out of the rut. Likewise, you’ll need to add a cardio exercise in order to see more results from weightlifting.
  2. Forget about the scale. Even if you haven’t lost weight in a few weeks, that doesn’t mean that your body isn’t changing. You could still see results in your cardiovascular health, strength, and other areas.
  3. Take a break. It may seem like working out every single day will yield better results, but you could actually be overworking yourself and diminishing your results. Your muscles need days off in order to grow, so plan a day of rest in between continual days of exercise.

Overcoming a Fitness Plateau [American Heart Association]
Fitness 2.0: How to Overcome Exercise and Diet Plateaus With Minimal Effort [Lifehacker]
How to Overcome a Workout Rut [U.S. News]

How Much Oil Should You Consume?

Oil has a reputation for being bad for the waistline, but select oils are very beneficial when consumed in moderation. This helpful guide from the USDA provides simple, accessible descriptions of the main types of oils, then helps you to make informed decisions about which to use. Here are the highlights:

What are oils?
Oils are fats that become liquid at room temperature. Things like canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, and olive oil are common, as well as the oils found in foods like nuts, olives, avocados, and some fish.

How are oils different from solid fats?
Solid fats contain more saturated fats and/or trans fats, while oils contain more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Saturated fats and trans fats raise the “bad” cholesterol in your body, which increases the risk of heart disease.

Why are oils important?
It is important to consume oils because they provide essential nutrients. Oils are the major source of essential fatty acids, which are necessary for your health, and they are also provide the majority of your body’s Vitamin E.

How much oil should I consume?
The average American adult needs anywhere from five to seven teaspoons of oil per day, depending on factors like your gender, age, and level of physical activity.

What Are “Oils”? [USDA]

Are You Washing Your Hands Correctly? Find Out Here!

Washing your hands thoroughly can help to prevent you from contacting diseases, reduce the risk of food borne illness, and can even stop you from spreading germs if you’re already sick. Here are a few tips that will show you the correct way to wash your hands.

  1. Apply soap and water. First, completely soak your hands with warm water. Apply as much soap as you need in order to cover both hands—remember, the more the better.
  2. Rub palms together. Vigorously rub your palms together in a circular motion to clean germs from the center of your hands.
  3. Clean between fingers. Clean the hard-to-reach places between your fingers by placing one hand on top of the other as if you were holding hands with another person. Rub the fingertips from one hand between the fingers of the other hand, and then vice versa.
  4. Clean fingernails. Rub the fingernails of one hand across the palm of the other hand to remove dirt and germs. Clasp the hands together with the backs of your fingers to the opposite palm, and then rub the hands back and forth.
  5. Rinse and dry. Rinse hands completely with water, and then dry them with a single-use paper towel. Don’t forget to use the towel to turn off the faucet in order to prevent contacting more germs, and then toss it away.

When & How to Wash Your Hands [CDC]
How to Wash Your Hands Properly by Mary Calvagna, MS [BIDMC]
Clean hands protect against infection [World Health Organization]

How to Reduce Your Daily Caffeine Intake

You might feel like you simply can’t function without your morning coffee, but that boost of caffeine may be doing you more harm than good. Caffeine addiction causes you to rely on drinking coffee, soda, and energy drinks throughout the day, and it is also proven to contribute to stress and anxiety. If you want to cut back on the amount of caffeine you consume per day, these simple tips will make it easier.

  1. Examine your intake. Studies show that 200 milligrams of caffeine or less is a healthy amount for the average adult to consume per day. This translates to about two strong cups of coffee, so this is an easy way to decipher how much you need to limit yourself. If you can’t make it through the workday without that third cup in the afternoon, that’s a good place to start.
  2. Gradually cut back. Quitting caffeine cold turkey is just as painful as quitting any other bad habit. To prevent headaches, grogginess, and other signs of caffeine withdrawal, mix your usual coffee with a bit more decaf every day, or work your way down to just two cups of coffee instead of your usual amount.
  3. Be smart about caffeine. Once you know that you can only have two cups per day, you should choose when to drink them wisely. If you feel most tired early in the morning and around 2 p.m., plan on drinking your cup of joe about an hour before those times.

Easy Ways to Reduce Caffeine Intake [U.S. News]
How to Lower Your Caffeine Intake Without Headaches [Fitday]
10 Ways to Start Your Day Without Caffeine [Everyday Health]
Caffeine [McKinley Health Center]

How to Get More Vitamin A in Your Diet

Vitamin A provides a number of wonderful eye health benefits, from minimizing dry eyes to helping to absorb light in the retinal receptors. In addition to improving your eye health, it also supports cell growth and improves the health of the kidneys, heart, and other essential organs. Here are just a few surprising food sources for beneficial Vitamin A.

  1. Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes are some of the best sources of Vitamin A out of any food, offering a staggering 561% of the recommended daily amount in just one whole potato. Better yet, the delicious sweet potato offers all of its priceless nutrients while adding only 103 calories to your diet. Simply bake one in the oven for a healthy side dish that’s absolutely packed full of A vitamins.
  2. Carrots. This other favorite orange food is equally as rich with Vitamin A. The carrot has been known for its eye health benefits for quite some time, though many people don’t realize that it’s because of the numerous A vitamins inside. One medium carrot offers a full 200% of the recommended daily intake, and it’s a great source of the Vitamins C, K, and B that your body also needs.

Top 10 Foods Highest in Vitamin A [Healthaliciousness]
Vitamin A [NIH]
26 Foods High in Vitamin A for Healthy Eyes [Bembu]

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