How to Decorate Your Rental Home With Mirrors

Mirrors work wonders in a rental space. They create a space to check your appearance before your dash out the door in the morning, they add light and size to any sized space, and they even act as a decor element. Here are just a few great places to add mirrors in your rental.

  • Above the nightstand. Add matching mirrors above your nightstands to create the illusion of extra depth in the bedroom.
  • Behind the dresser. If your dresser doesn’t come with an attached mirror, create a sort of vanity space of your own by hanging a decorative mirror behind it.
  • In a stairwell. If you have a set of stairs in your apartment, create a gallery wall of mismatched mirrors up the length of the staircase.
  • Across from a window. Maximize the light in a room by placing a large mirror directly across from a window.
  • On the kitchen cabinets. Cut mirror panes to fit right within the borders of your kitchen cabinets, then attach them with removable adhesive.
  • In a closet. Hang a full-length mirror on the back of a regular closet door to make it feel like a luxurious dressing room.

Adorn Home With Beautiful Mirrors [Decozilla]
How to Decorate With Mirrors [Real Simple]
10 Unique Ways to Decorate with Mirrors [House Beautiful]

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