Five Effective Anxiety-Management Techniques

Anxiety is a plague that affects millions of Americans. As today’s high-stress world makes things increasingly difficult, more people are looking for ways to self-soothe and release tension. Here are five techniques that you can do at home, prescribed by experts in the field.

Breathing is widely considered the most important thing you can do to manage the onset of anxiety symptoms. Anxiety generates real physical reactions in the body, but by performing controlled, even breathing you can mitigate many of those symptoms and prevent the attack from getting worse.

Mindful awareness is another common method used to deal with the early stages of an anxiety attack. Close your eyes and slow your breath, concentrating your focus on different parts of your body in turn. This will give you the understanding that you are in control of your attentions.

Try to avoid worrying. This is easier said than done, obviously, but most doctors agree that feelings of dread or concern for the future engender anxiety attacks. A simple cognitive therapy response is to note the worry and then reply to yourself silently “That’s just my brain worrying. I know I don’t have to worry.”

Avoid recursive or ruminant thoughts on negative experiences. Getting the brain caught in a thought loop can lead to serious anxiety, lost productivity and more. Being conscious of these loops and working to stop them with mental commands can give you increased control over your situation.

Most importantly, make sure your body is getting everything it needs to be healthy. Getting enough sleep and regular, nutritious meals will help your brain functionality as well.

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