Bottoms Up! How to Drink More Water Every Day

Did you know that there's a miracle drink that helps to improve your skin tone, promote weight loss, and even prevent headaches? It’s true—and it’s water! Drinking enough water is very important, and not just to keep dehydration at bay. Here are a few simple ways to drink more water every day.

  1. Invest in a refillable water bottle that you’ll actually want to use. There are a number of different kinds on the market today, and some even contain cages in the middle that you can fill with fresh fruit to make your own all-natural flavored water.
  2. Replace your coffee with an herbal tea. Because teas like chamomile and mint don’t contain caffeine, they won’t detract from your water intake in the way that coffee does.
  3. Replace soda with sparkling water. You’ll still get the same refreshing, bubbly taste without all of the added sugar and calories.
  4. Eat more fruit or drink fresh fruit smoothies. Because fruit is filled with water, you’ll get a double dose of healthy each time you eat it.
  5. Make your own infused ice cubes by filtering fresh herbs and fruit through some water using a strainer or French press, then freeze in your usual ice cube tray. Pop them into your glass of water for an extra kick of flavor.

How to Get More Water in Your Daily Diet [Healthiest Life]
How-To Get More Water Into Your Diet [Skinny Ms.]
Benefits of Water: How to Incorporate More Water into Your Diet [P&G Everyday]

Try Your Hand at the Bridge and Torch Problem

There are a large number of “river crossing puzzles” in the world of logic puzzles, in which people must cross a river with a variety of constraints. One of the most popular of these puzzles is the Bridge and Torch Problem, which tests your logic skills and your rational thinking. Though it may seem like a simple enough question, the answer to this tricky word problem eludes many of the people who try to solve it.

In the Bridge and Torch Problem, four people approach a riverbank at night. The narrow bridge nearby can only hold two people at a time. They only have one torch, but it has to be used when crossing the bridge. It takes Person A one minute to cross, Person B two minutes to cross, Person C five minutes, and Person D eight minutes. Two people crossing the bridge together must move at the slower person’s pace.

Can all of the people cross the bridge in 15 minutes or less? Once you reach an answer, check it here!

Fill Your Tank: What to Eat Before a Workout

The foods that you eat before your workout can make all the difference when it comes to feeling energized and seeing results. If you’re unsure about what types of foods to eat for an added boost of energy, check out these great snack and meal ideas.

  1. Wheat toast with peanut butter and banana. Slice up a banana and sprinkle it on top of peanut butter toast for a healthy boost of carbohydrates for energy and healthy sugar from the fruit.
  2. Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts. Greek yogurt is packed with protein, while the energy-boosting nuts and sweet fruits will give you a little boost of energy.
  3. Fruit smoothie. If you don’t have time to sit down for a meal before the gym, pack a fruit smoothie in your gym bag. Add some Greek yogurt for protein and granola for carbohydrates.
  4. Apple slices with almond butter. This on-the-go snack is easy to prepare and easy to eat. It also offers just the right amount of healthy sugars and hearty protein.
  5. Oatmeal. Oats are packed with fiber, which slowly release carbohydrates into your bloodstream throughout the course of your workout. Eat one cup at least half an hour before working out.

Best Pre-Workout Foods [Men’s Health]
What to Eat Before and After a Workout [Fitness]
What to Eat Before, During, and After Exercise [WebMD]
The Best Foods to Eat Before and After Your Workout [Shape]

What You Need to Know About the Couch to 5k Program

If you’ve always wanted to run a 5k but you just don’t know where to begin, you might be interested in the Couch-to-5k Program. This beginner-friendly running plan aims to take first time runners from their very first run all the way to a full 5k, and it’s customizable based on your specific time frame. Here are a few things that you should know about the program.

  • A 5k measures 3.1 miles.
  • The Couch-to-5k Program starts slowly and gradually builds up to a full 5k over the course of two months.
  • Each training session amounts to just 20 to 30 minutes three times per week.
  • The training days should be spaced out throughout the week, leaving at least one day for recovery in between.
  • With the Couch-to-5k, you don’t want to focus on how fast you’re going, but rather on building up your distance with each new session.
  • You can follow the Couch-to-5k Program either by time or by distance of each run. Experts recommend choosing whichever option seems easiest for you to keep track of.
  • It’s important to warm up and cool down before each session. With this program, a five-minute jog is a good warm-up, and it’s equally important to stretch before and after your run.

The Couch-to-5K ® Running Plan | C25K Mobile App [Cool Running]
Couch to 5K: Is it Right for You? [Answers]
How to Lose Weight With Couch Potato Running [Livestrong]

Soothing Home Remedies for Sore Throats

When the cold weather takes a toll on your household in the form of sore throats and stuffy noses, you’re likely searching for any way to find a bit of relief. Here are a few home remedies that might just soothe your sore throat without the use of over-the-counter medications—just remember to check with your doctor first!

  1. Gargle with salt water. Sore throats are caused when the cells in the mucous membranes become swollen and inflamed, and gargling with salt water helps reduce this swelling. By warming the saltwater solution, you can also wash away the excess mucous and clear your nasal passages.
  2. Make an apple cider vinegar drink. Apple cider vinegar is filled with healthy properties, and its high levels of acidity help to kill bacteria that cause illness. Make a drink using one tablespoon of ACV, one tablespoon of honey and one cup of hot water, then sip it slowly and feel the relief.
  3. Try marshmallow root. This strange root named after the sugary candy helps to coat the throat and relieve pain. Steep one tablespoon of the dried root in boiling water for 30 to 60 minutes, then strain and drink.
  4. Chew on cloves. For fast and easy relief, try the natural painkiller eugenol found in cloves. Simply suck on a whole clove until it becomes soft enough to chew like gum, then spit it out when finished.

10 Ways to Soothe a Sore Throat [Health]
22 Natural Sore Throat Remedies to Help Soothe the Pain [Everyday Roots]
Sore Throat Remedies: 16 Natural Gargles [Reader’s Digest]

Feeling Under the Weather? Try These All-Natural Cold and Flu Remedies

If you get a cold or the flu every winter like clockwork, you’re likely always on the hunt for natural ways to treat your illness at home. Before you drag yourself out of bed to go to the doctor, try these all-natural home remedies to help banish your sore throat, soothe that runny nose, and make your aching muscles feel as good as new. (But consult your doctor for professional medical advice first!)

  1. Drink as many fluids as possible. When you’re feeling all stuffed up and congested, one of the best ways to rid your nasal cavity of mucus is by drinking plenty of fluids. Aim for eight to ten glasses of water per day, and supplement them with herbal teas, sports drinks, and even broth-based soups.
  2. Inhale steam. Another way to clear your stuffy nose is by leaning over a pot of boiling water, placing a towel over your head, and breathing deeply through your nose—just be careful not to breathe too deeply and burn yourself.
  3. Adjust your diet. By incorporating things like lemons, garlic, and honey into your diet, you can absorb their vitamins and antimicrobial properties. Green tea or peppermint tea also help to rid your body of cold or flu symptoms.
  4. Gargle with salt water. If a sore throat is keeping you up at night, this old wives’ tale can help to decrease the swelling in the throat’s mucous membranes and ease your pain.

Home Remedies for Colds [WebMD]
Cold and Flu Home Remedies [Doctor Oz]
22 Natural Sore Throat Remedies to Help Soothe the Pain [Everyday Roots]

Oil Pulling 101: What You Need to Know About Oil Pulling

Have you heard of oil pulling? This new holistic health trend, which is actually an ancient detoxification remedy, is said to boost overall health simply by swishing oil around the mouth once daily. The oil emulsifies with saliva in the mouth, becoming a cleansing agent that removes harmful bacteria, toxins, and plaque from the teeth and gums. The practice is also said to ease sinus congestion. But does oil pulling actually work? That's for you to decide—after checking in with your doctor or dentist first, of course.

If you'd like to give oil pulling a test spin, here's a handy guide to get you started.

1. Choose your oil.
The oils recommended for oil pulling are coconut, sesame, olive, and sunflower. You'll only need one tablespoon per pulling. If you choose coconut oil, let it liquefy before beginning your session.

2. Swish—and then swish some more.
Swish the oil around your mouth, just as you would with mouthwash. "Pull" the oil through your teeth. Your goal is to swish the oil until it becomes viscous and white. It usually takes 10 to 20 minutes to achieve this consistency, although beginner pullers can work their way up to that time.

3. Spit and rinse.
Once you've reached your allotted time, spit the oil into a trash can—not the toilet or sink, as the oil can clog pipes. (Don't swallow the oil!) Rinse your mouth with warm water, then brush your teeth. How often you practice oil pulling is up to you, although optimal benefits are said to achieved when oil pulling is performed several times per week.

Oil Pulling With Coconut Oil to Transform Your Dental Health [Authority Nutrition]
Oil Pulling: The Habit That Can Transform Your Health [Food Matters]
Oil Pulling for Oral Health [Wellness Mama]
What is Oil Pulling? [Coconut Oil Pulling]

Essential Beauty-Enhancing Products You Already Have at Home

The next time you want to try a new beauty product, you might want to start by browsing your kitchen cabinets instead of heading to the drugstore. Many common foods and oils can double as creams, scrubs, and skin treatments! Here are a few beneficial beauty products that you likely already own.

  1. Tea bags. Instead of investing in a pricey eye cream to get rid of those dark circles after a night out, use some tea bags instead. Soak two green tea bags in warm water and lay them on your eyelids. The caffeine will shrink the appearance of blood vessels, while the antioxidants reduce inflammation.
  2. Oatmeal. Make your own face treatment by using your favorite breakfast oats. Place a handful of whole oats inside of a washcloth and secure it closed with a rubber band. Soak the whole thing in a sink of warm water until the water turns cloudy, and then splash it onto your face. This will create a protective barrier on the skin that seals in moisture and provides anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Oranges. Use oranges to get rid of pesky dry patches on the skin. Squeeze half of an orange into a bowl and mix in 1/4 cup of granulated sugar and 1/4 cup of olive oil. Rub the other half of the orange on dry knees or elbows to loosen the dead cells, and then rub on your homemade scrub to slough them away.

Have A Spa Day…At Home! 10 DIY Beauty Treatments! [Seventeen]
Our Favorite All-Natural Home Beauty Treatments [Fitness]
Crazy Beauty Tricks That Really Work [Whole Living]
6 All-Natural Beauty Fixes [Woman’s Day]

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Enjoy Doing Yoga? Check Out These Two Pinterest Boards!

Pinterest operates like an online bulletin board that can help you to discover new things and then save (or “pin”) them to your own personal boards. The social media site contains a wide assortment of yoga tips, apparel ideas, and workout videos submitted by Pinterest’s community of yogis, which makes it a wonderful resource to help you improve and organize your practice. Here are two of the best yoga-related Pinterest boards to follow.

Pinterest’s main yoga board is filled with inspiring quotes, sequences, and asanas from yogis all around the web. From leg-sculpting sequences that will build strength in your lower body to early morning vinyasa flows that will help you to start your day off right, these yoga pins will help you to build your practice even when you’re not on your mat.

Mind Body Green
Mind Body Green’s yoga board contains all of the popular health website’s best yoga-related content, all organized in one easy-to-navigate space. Browse pins like "A Guide to Warrior 1," "4 Yoga Poses to Help Unlock Your Hidden Emotions," and "10 Things a Beginner Should Know Before Giving Up On Yoga" to help even the most novice yogis find their inner chi.

How and What to Pack for a Sightseeing Trip

After months of saving, you finally booked that sightseeing trip that you’ve always dreamed of. Whether you’re backpacking across Europe or taking a car trip through South America, you’ll need to know what to pack before you go. Packing these four items will help you be prepared for your sightseeing adventure.

  1. A sturdy backpack. This is an essential for long days of sightseeing as it enables you to tote your belongings around without straining your arms. Choose one with a large main pocket for clothing and supplies and smaller inner pockets to stow away money, your passport, and other essential items.
  2. Maps and guides. Maps are important in areas where you don’t have reliable cell phone service, and they cut down on the time you spend asking for directions. If you’re traveling to an area where you don’t speak the language, it’s also smart to bring along a foreign language dictionary.
  3. Proper clothes. Bring a rain jacket if you’re traveling to rainy London, and wear layers that you can easily remove if you’re in steamy Vietnam. Be sure to look up the climate beforehand to avoid clothing discomfort.
  4. A camera. Although a camera isn’t exactly an essential item, you’ll surely want to remember your trip for years to come!

Travel Tips and Packing Lists [Eagle Creek]
15 Things to Pack for Sightseeing [Sue’s Travel Tips]
How to Pack for a Sightseeing Vacation [Independent Traveler]

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