Reap the Health Benefits of Autumn Superfoods

September 19, 2014 | cwsapts

Although it’s easy to get overwhelmed by Thanksgiving feasts and seasonal pies, autumn also provides a number of superfoods that are actually very good for you. Here is an impressive list of all of the nutrient-rich superfoods that come into season when the weather cools down:

  1. Apples. Apples are filled with antioxidants and dietary fiber, which leaves you feeling fuller for longer. For this reason, be sure to add a trip to the orchard to your fall bucket list.
  2. Brussels sprouts. Brussels sprouts may not seem as tempting as that freshly baked pumpkin pie, but these flavorful vegetables do make healthy sides that taste great when cooked with some olive oil. Brussels sprouts are also a great source of iron, and just half a cup contains your entire day’s worth of vitamin K.
  3. Pears. The pear is another popular fall fruit that's great for your health. Just make sure to eat the skin, as it’s filled with vitamin C, copper, and lots of fiber.
  4. Cauliflower. This vegetable grows best during the fall, and it’s filled with compounds that may prevent cancer. Even if you don’t like plain old cauliflower, new recipes involve blending it into a mashed potato-like side dish or chopping it to create a low-carb rice substitute.

10 Healthy Fall Foods [How Stuff Works]
Seasonal Produce – Fall and Winter [American Heart Association]
15 Best Superfoods for Fall [Health]