4 Low Calorie Snacks That Won’t Sabotage Your Diet


Your diet provides rules and regulations for each of your daily meals, but what about when your stomach rumbles in between meals? Sometimes snacking is inevitable, but you still want to make informed, healthy choices. These four snack recipes are low in calories but still delicious and filling. Almond-Honey Power Bar [Eating Well] Stop paying […]

Learn How to Read a Nutrition Label


If you've done much grocery shopping, you've probably noticed that most food items have a nutrition label which offers an array of information. It's designed to be easily understandable, but the sheer number of different elements on the label can make reading it a little daunting. These helpful tips from the Food and Drug Administration […]

Simple Recipes for College Students


For many students, part of the college experience involves learning to live on your own. Doing laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking meals are all new chores, and they can seem overwhelming when combined with your stressful school workload. These simple recipes for college students can help you manage your meals to free up time for studying […]

6 Tips for Reducing Screen Time


You spend hours every day staring into screens, from your computer at work to your television in the evenings. These tips from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute will help you spend less time in front of the screen and more time with the people around you: 1. Limit screen time at home. While […]

Spice Up Your Diet With These DASH Recipes


Any dieter will agree that healthy foods aren’t always the most exciting. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (or DASH) eating plan aims to incorporate convenient, tasty meals into your healthy diet, using only accessible ingredients that you likely have around the house. This NIH website offers a number of DASH-friendly recipes for every day […]

Interesting Trivia from Outdated USDA Food Guides


Over the years, the USDA has compiled a large number of informational food guides to advise people on everything from counting calories to managing diabetes. While some of the advice remains with us today, other tips have been superseded by new discoveries and better nutrition knowledge. Here are some interesting tips from past USDA food […]

Keep Up With Your Fitness Goals With These Apps


Are you training to run a marathon? Looking to keep track of your calories? Simply trying to lose a few pounds? Whatever your fitness goals, these helpful apps can help you become happier and healthier than ever before. My Fitness Pal If counting calories and monitoring carbs overwhelms you, this app will make your healthy […]

Eat Well For a Healthy Heart


Heart disease is dangerous, but a few simple changes to your diet can vastly improve your heart's health. Together with proper exercise and other simple lifestyle changes, eating more healthfully can mitigate your risk of developing disease. The FDA's website offers some useful tips on eating better for a healthy heart, including advice like: Eat […]

The Ins-and-Outs of the Raw Food Diet


It seems that almost every day a new, trendy diet enters into the mainstream, each one promising unmatched weight-loss and countless health benefits. One diet that has been around for a while now (which is always promising) is the raw food diet. The core elements of the raw food diet are simple: cooking food over […]

Get Healthier With Your iPhone


As smartphones have become more common, talented developers have devised ways to help people lead healthier lives through engaging apps. Fooducate This handy app is helping you navigate supermarket shelves. Scan a product's bar code and Fooducate will give you a grade for the item, like A- or C+. It takes some of the guesswork […]