Plant 101: What’s the Difference Between a Cactus and a Succulent?

Fun to collect and easy to care for, succulents and cacti are popping up everywhere, from home decor blogs to the pages of interior design magazines. In fact, you might even have a few of these trendy plants on your windowsill right now! But what exactly is a succulent, and what differentiates a succulent from a cactus?

In short, a succulent is a plant that stores water in its tissues. This unique system of water storage enables succulents to survive dry, drought-like conditions. Examples of succulents include aloe, agave, and some bromeliads. That said, all cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Cacti are set apart by the possession of an areole, an organ that resembles white, fluffy lumps on the body of a cactus. It's from these areoles that a cactus's flowers, spines, and branches sprout.

Cactus and Succulent Care [Lowes]
What are Succulent Plants? [Young's Garden Center]
How to Grow Healthy Succulent Plants [About]
What is a Succulent, Anyway? [Tucson Cactus and Succulent Society]
What is the difference between a Cactus and a Succulent? [Fickle Prickles]

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