Safety First! Essentials for Your Home First Aid Kit

Safety is a major concern in just about every household across the country, but you might not know exactly what to keep on hand to prevent against illness and injury. From minor cuts to major bumps and bruises, these first aid kit essentials will keep you (and your family) safe against all kinds of ailments.

  • Assorted bandages. Be sure to choose a box with a variety of shapes and sizes for all kinds of cuts.
  • Gauze bandages. To wrap arms and legs in case of a larger cut or burn.
  • Adhesive cloth tape. To securely fasten gauze bandages and wraps.
  • Instant cold pack. For soothing bruises and reducing swelling.
  • Aspirin. To reduce headaches and ease pain from minor injuries.
  • Oral thermometer. All households should have an adult thermometer, but families should also keep a children’s model on hand.
  • Non-latex gloves. For safely cleaning and dressing wounds.
  • Antihistamine. Brands like Benadryl help to reduce allergic reactions, such as bee stings.
  • Antibacterial creams. For disinfecting cuts, burns, and scrapes.
  • Antiseptic wipe packets. To quickly clean cuts and burns as soon as they happen.
  • Tweezers. To remove splinters and other small debris.
  • Rubbing alcohol. To sterilize your tools.
  • Sharp scissors. For cutting bandages, gauze, and other supplies.

First-Aid Kit Essentials [Parents]
First Aid Essentials [Healthy Essentials]
Anatomy of a First Aid Kit [American Red Cross]
First Aid Essentials [Real Simple]

Easy and Effective Ways to Combat Stress

Everyone gets stressed out from time to time, but if it starts to interfere with your day-to-day life, you could be dealing with something a bit more serious. The next time you start to feel those overwhelming feelings creeping on you, try these simple tips for combating stress naturally.

  • Don’t let it go too far. It’s much easier to manage stress when it first begins than when it starts to spiral out of control, so watch out for the warning signs early. If you can tell that it’s going to be a stressful week, prepare in advance so that you can manage your tasks without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Address the physical side effects. While stress itself is mental, its side effects are often physical. When you start to get jittery or your feel your heart racing, do some relaxing stretches, practice breathing exercises, or simply close your eyes and count to 10 to counteract those feelings.
  • Watch your diet. Before you start stress eating or grabbing unhealthy fast food while rushing to work, stop and plan your meals. What you eat can have a big impact on your mental state, so be sure to try to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to stay energized. Try to steer clear of caffeine!
  • Do something silly. Take a break from life (even if it’s just for five minutes) to laugh at a silly video or dance it out. Sometimes that’s all you need!

Top 10 Instant Stress Busters [Lifehacker]
7 Best Ways to Bust Stress [SheKnows]
15 Easy Ways to Bust Work Stress [Men’s Health]

Steer Clear of These 4 Foods Before Boarding a Plane

Pre-flight jitters can be exacerbated by eating the wrong foods before take-off. However, there are ways that you can calm your stomach before your flight. Avoid these four foods before flying to keep your digestive tract in good spirits.

  1. Alcohol. Although many travelers use alcohol to soothe their nerves before a flight, if you have a sensitive stomach this is not the best idea. Alcohol also becomes more intense at higher altitudes, which can cause you to feel much tipsier in the air than you did on the ground.
  2. Greasy foods. If you’re in a rush to eat lunch before running to the terminal, avoid that greasy burger and fries. Many studies prove that your body has a much harder time digesting sodium and saturated fats at higher altitudes, which means that your supersized meal will start to feel even more supersized in the air.
  3. Beans. Avoid foods that are known to make you gassy, such as beans, cabbage, or broccoli, as bloating will cause even more discomfort at high altitudes.
  4. Carbonated drinks. Sodas and energy drinks cause dehydration, which is already problematic during air travel. Opt for hydrating water instead.

Five Foods to Avoid Before Flying [Independent Traveler]
10 Foods to Avoid Before Boarding a Plane [AARP]
What Not to Eat Before Flying! [NerdWallet]
8 Foods You Should Never Eat Before Flying [Yahoo! Travel]

Two Surprising Sources of High Fructose Corn Syrup

High fructose corn syrup is a main ingredient in many packaged or processed foods, a fact that's caused quite an intense debate among many nutritionists and other food authorities. While some think that it isn’t so bad for you, others argue that high fructose corn syrup is one of the major causes of our nation’s rise in obesity. If you want to avoid the controversial ingredient, here are two surprising products that you should steer clear of at the grocery store.

  1. Juices. Though fruit juices may seem healthy, many of the store-bought brands are actually fruit juice cocktails rather than 100% fruit juice. If a juice is more of a cocktail juice, there’s almost a definite chance that it contains high fructose corn syrup. A simple way to avoid these types of juices is by looking for types that aren't made from concentrate, or you can also check the ingredients list to look for the sneaky syrup yourself.
  2. Cereals. Even supposedly healthy breakfast cereals often contain high fructose corn syrup. Don’t believe that just because a cereal also contains whole grains or wheat it’s necessarily healthy; in fact, those types often need the syrup to make them taste more flavorful. Always check the ingredient label before you purchase your next box, or get to know a few brands that don’t use high fructose corn syrup in any of their products.

Corn Syrup in Unexpected Foods [HuffPost Healthy Living]
Surprising Products that Contain High Fructose Corn Syrup [Divine Caroline]
(Not So) Sweet: Surprising Foods Containing High Fructose Corn Syrup [Babble]
6 Popular Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup [FitDay]

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