How to Create a Home “Command Center”

There are likely days when it maintaining your—or your family's—day-to-day schedule can prove to be a daunting task. Why not consider creating a central home command center? You can rely on this single location to keeping things running smoothly in your abode. Here's how to do it:

  1. Choose the perfect space. Whether you pick an unused wall in the kitchen or a small nook in the living room, just about any centrally located space in your home will do.
  2. Post a bulletin board. This is essential for displaying notes, recording missed phone calls, or posting bills with near-approaching due dates.
  3. Add a calendar. Keep everyone’s sports schedules and work trips on file with a large calendar in your command center. Encourage your family members to write their upcoming appointments on the calendar so that there’s no missed communication as the date approaches.
  4. Take advantage of shelves. Whether you have a full bookcase or a simple hanging shelf, shelves are important for storing file folders, medical records, and bins for spare keys and other essentials.
  5. Cut the clutter. To avoid clutter in your command center, weed out the junk mail, magazines, smelly gym bags, and other unimportant items.

Do you have tips for staying organized? Please share them!

How to Organize the Family Command Center [Real Simple]
Family Command Center [Pinterest]
Done in a Day: Family Command Center [Southern Living]

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