Want to Travel Light? Don’t Pack These Items!

You think that you packed your suitcase pretty efficiently—until the scale at the airport tells you otherwise and you’re met with a huge baggage fee. We’ve all been there before, but there are a few things that you can do about it. Eliminate these three items from your list of things to pack, and you’ll likely be amazed at how much lighter your suitcase is.

  1. Toiletries. They may be essentials, but until you actually arrive at your destination, toiletries are just taking up space in your suitcase. Instead of filling your bags with heavy shampoo bottles or, even worse, having your toiletries taken away by airport security, opt to buy the same products in travel-size versions once you arrive.
  2. Snacks. This one is very common with international travelers. If you’re a creature of habit who prefers to eat the same foods every day, it may be tempting to bring your favorite snacks with you on vacation. Even a box of cereal can take up quite a bit of space, however, so opt to instead immerse yourself by trying the local cuisine.
  3. Books. Many people like to relax with a good book on the beach or in the hotel room, but it’s very easy to over pack reading material and weigh your suitcase down. Invest in an e-reader instead, or bring just one book and swap with a friend once you finish it.

10 Things You Should Never Pack in Your Checked Bag [Smarter Travel]
What Not to Pack in Bags When Flying [USA Today]
What Not to Pack: 10 Things You Really Shouldn’t Take on Holiday [Skyscanner]
What Not to Pack [IndependentTraveller.com]

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