Are You Left-Brained or Right-Brained? Take These Quizzes to Find Out!

Most people know the old study that says that people who are left-brained are more organized and logical, while people who are right-brained are more creative and spontaneous. If you’re unsure about which side of the brain is your dominant side, these fun and fascinating quizzes can help you to find out.

Left Brain / Right Brain Test [PsychTests]
This online quiz from PsychTests helps you to zone in on your dominant brain hemisphere by offering a series of 12 situations with options for how you would respond to each one. At the end, you’ll receive a detailed description of your results based on your unique personality.

30-Second Brain Test [Sommer+Sommer]
Sommer+Sommer created this fun game to help you discover more about the way that your brain thinks and operates. It tells you whether you use your brain’s right side or left side more by giving you a series of photos, mini games, and simple quizzes to analyze.

Are You More Right-Brained or Left-Brained? [Buzzfeed]
This quiz from Buzzfeed is more straightforward, offering a list of traits and asking you to check off all that apply to you. One section of traits applies more to those who are right-brained, while the other section relates to people who are left-brained.

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