Shop for Cute Kids’ Furniture for Affordable Prices at These Quirky Websites

If you’re looking to make over your little ones’ rooms at The Broadwater, there are a number of online sources that you can shop without ever leaving home. These three websites offer unique children’s furniture and home decor items that your kids will love.

The Land of Nod
By mixing modern style with a touch of whimsy, The Land of Nod offers unique children’s furniture that both kids and parents will love. If you’re looking for a sleek bed that will last for years or some colorful artwork to hang on the walls, this is where you’ll find it.

From babies to pre-teens, IKEA offers children’s furniture for all stages of childhood. The affordable Swedish furniture store offers large pieces like cribs, beds and storage units, as well as fun game board rugs, plush toys and much more.

With discounts of 50% to 70% off, Wayfair offers major savings on name brand furniture pieces. You’ll find colorful bedding, complete sets of bedroom furniture and silly lamps that will make your kids’ rooms even more adorable.

Large Houseplants That Make a Major Statement in Your Home at The Broadwater

Adding houseplants to your home adds a pop of green color and a feeling of freshness, but they can also make a decorative statement. Instead of the usual small ferns and succulents, try adding these large-scale houseplants to a bare room in your home at The Broadwater.

  1. Dracaenas. This inexpensive plant comes in many sizes, but its cane form is the largest and most impactful. It features long, curved leaves that extend all the way up the length of the cane, creating a lush look that’s perfect for bare corners of a room.
  2. Palms. If you prefer a tropical look, palm plants are a great choice. These come in a variety of styles, though if you’re worried about how it will hold up, purchasing a higher quality palm is recommended.
  3. Fiddle Leaf Fig. For renters with lots of sunlight, the fiddle leaf fig tree works well in many spaces. This type of tree contains large, green leaves that grow tall and wide to fill those empty spaces.
  4. Norfolk Pine. If you love the smell of pine trees during the holiday season, you can have that in your home all year round with a Norfolk pine. This needle-covered tree grows well in bright or indirect sunlight, and it can even grow to be up to 20 feet tall!

The 15 easiest indoor house plants that won't die on you [Today]
5 Tall Indoor Plants [Ambius]
Large House Plants [Guide to Houseplants]

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